
Roberto Micucci Profile

Roberto Micucci

I am from Australia
Member since: Tuesday, November 29, 2022
I’m based in Sydney Australia and have always loved the ocean since I was a boy. I always felt comfortable under the waves and driven with a strong senses of curiosity with what lies within. Over the past few years I started to share my experiences with my family and friends through my photography with great excitement. This gave birth to Scuba Berto underwater photography and now I want to share it with you.
U/W photographerU/W photographer

276 point member

My Portfolio

  Strip Skunk Clown fish

My Contest Stats

I have 16 entries in the photo contest
Latest Entries...
click to go to the contest
entered Tuesday, December 26, 2023
click to go to the contest
entered Tuesday, December 26, 2023
click to go to the contest
entered Tuesday, December 26, 2023

CategoryNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Macro - Close-Up284
Macro - not swimming3289
Macro - swimming122
Wide Angle - Close Focus144
Wide Angle - Marine Life6396
totals 161308
Seas I have divedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Bali Sea284
Coral Sea33913
Halmahera Sea122
Red Sea3113
totals 161308
Countries I have visitedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
totals 161308
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