
Gianluca Afflitti Profile

Gianluca Afflitti

I am from Italy
Member since: Sunday, November 26, 2023
Afflitti Gianluca, Cmas instructor, always "passionate" about travel, thanks to underwater began to devote himself to photography.
from the earliest times, feeling the need 'to capture the wonders beneath the surface, and' immersed accompanied by his friend the camera.
switched to digital he is 'distinguished in various photocontest and placing well also in races for outdoor use.
CMAS Instructor fotosub

U/W photographerU/W photographer

135 point member

My Contest Stats

I have 10 entries in the photo contest
Latest Entries...
click to go to the contest
entered Sunday, December 24, 2023
click to go to the contest
entered Sunday, December 24, 2023
click to go to the contest
entered Sunday, December 24, 2023

CategoryNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Macro - Close-Up100
Macro - Nudibranchia242
Macro - swimming5153
Wide Angle - Close Focus2178
totals 10363
Seas I have divedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
Bali Sea451
Gulf Of Mexico2178
Philippine Sea4143
totals 10363
Countries I have visitedNumber of EntriesTotal votesAverage votes
totals 10363
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