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Working with Japanese composition

    The Paragraph palette includes several options for composing Japanese characters.

    Kinsoku Shori

    Determines line breaks in Japanese type. Characters that cannot begin a line or end a line are known as kinsoku characters. Photoshop includes weak and maximum kinsoku sets based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995.


    Determines spacing between punctuation, symbols, numbers, and other character classes in Japanese type. Photoshop includes several predefined mojikumi sets based on the Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 4051-1995.

    Oidashi and Oikomi

    When kinsoku shori or mojikumi is on, you can choose different methods for processing line breaks. Oidashi--push-out line breaking--is a method of moving characters down to the next line in order to prevent prohibited characters from ending or beginning a line. Oikomi--push-in line breaking--is a method of moving characters up to the previous line in order to prevent prohibited characters from ending or beginning a line.

To select a mojikumi set for a paragraph:

    In the Paragraph palette, choose an option from the Mojikumi pop-up menu:

    • None to turn off the use of mojikumi.
    • Mojikumi Set 1 to use half-width spacing for punctuation.
    • Mojikumi Set 2 to use full-width spacing for most characters except the last character in the line.
    Mojikumi Set 1, and Mojikumi Set 2
    Mojikumi Set 1, and Mojikumi Set 2.
    • Mojikumi Set 3 to use full-width spacing for most characters and the last character in the line.
    • Mojikumi Set 4 to use full-width spacing for all characters.
    Mojikumi Set 3, and Mojikumi Set 4
    Mojikumi Set 3, and Mojikumi Set 4.

To select a kinsoku shori set for a paragraph:

    In the Paragraph palette, choose an option from the Kinsoku Shori pop-up menu:

    • None to turn off the use of kinsoku shori.
    • JIS Weak or JIS Maximum to prevent the following characters from beginning or ending a line:

    JIS Weak Set

    Characters that can't begin a line

    Characters that can’t begin a line in JIS Weak Set

    Characters that can't end a line

    Characters that can’t end a line in JIS Weak Set

    JIS Maximum Set

    Characters that can't begin a line

    Characters that can’t begin a line in JIS Maximum Set

    Characters that can't end a line

    Characters that can’t end a line in JIS Maximum Set

To select a kinsoku line breaking option:

    Choose Oidashi or Oikomi from the Paragraph palette menu. A check mark indicates which option is selected.