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Aligning and justifying type

    You can align type to one edge of a paragraph (left, center, or right for horizontal type; top, center, or bottom for vertical type) and justify type to both edges of a paragraph. Alignment options are available for both point type and paragraph type; justification options are only available for paragraph type.

To specify alignment:

    In the Paragraph palette or options bar, click an alignment option. The options for horizontal type are:

    align left option Aligns type to the left, leaving the right edge of the paragraph ragged.

    align center option Aligns type to the center, leaving both edges of the paragraph ragged.

    align right option Aligns type to right, leaving the left edge of the paragraph ragged.

    The options for vertical type are:

    align top option Aligns type to the top, leaving the bottom edge of the paragraph ragged.

    align center option Aligns type to the center, leaving both the top and bottom edges of the paragraph ragged.

    align bottom option Aligns type to bottom, leaving the top edge of the paragraph ragged.

To specify justification for paragraph type:

    In the Paragraph palette, click a justification option. The options for horizontal type are:

    justify left option Justifies all lines except the last, which is left-aligned.

    justify center option Justifies all lines except the last, which is center-aligned.

    justify right option Justifies all lines except the last, which is right-aligned.

    justify left option Justifies all lines including the last, which is force-justified.

    The options for vertical type are:

    justify top option Justifies all lines except the last, which is top-aligned.

    justify center option Justifies all lines except the last, which is center-aligned.

    justify bottom option Justifies all lines except the last, which is bottom-aligned.

    justify all option Justifies all lines including the last, which is force-justified.