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Adjusting hyphenation

    You can hyphenate words manually or automatically.

To choose a hyphenation dictionary:

    Choose a language from the pop-up menu at the bottom of the Character palette

To turn automatic hyphenation on or off:

    In the Paragraph palette, select or deselect the Hyphenate option.

To set automatic hyphenation options:

  1. Choose Hyphenation from the Paragraph palette menu.
  2. Enter values for the following options:
    • Words Longer Than _ Letters to specify the minimum number of characters for hyphenated words.
    • After First _ Letters and Before Last _ Letters to specify the minimum number of characters at the beginning or end of a word that can be broken by a hyphen. For example, by specifying 3 for these values, aromatic would be hyphenated as aro- matic instead of ar- omatic or aromat- ic.
    • Hyphen Limit to specify the maximum number of hyphens that can appear on consecutive lines. Zero means unlimited hyphens.
    • Hyphenation Zone to specify the distance at the end of a line that will cause a word to break in unjustified type. This option applies only when using the single-line composer. (See About composition methods.)
  3. To prevent capitalized words from being hyphenated, deselect Hyphenate Capitalized Words. Then click OK.