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Resizing the image during optimization (Photoshop)

    When optimizing an image in the Photoshop Save For Web dialog box, you can resize the image to specified pixel dimensions or to a percentage of the original size.

To change the pixel dimensions of an image during optimization:

  1. Click the Image Size tab in the Save For Web dialog box.
  2. To maintain the current proportions of pixel width to pixel height, select Constrain Proportions.
  3. Enter values for Width, Height, or Percent.
  4. Choose an interpolation method from the Quality pop-up menu:
    • Jagged (Nearest Neighbor) for the faster, but less precise, method. This method is recommended for use with illustrations containing non-anti-aliased edges, to preserve hard edges and produce a smaller file.
    • Smooth (Bicubic) for the slower, but more precise, method, resulting in smoother tonal gradations.

    For more information on interpolation, see About resampling.

  5. Click Apply.