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Checking files out and in

    Checking out a file prevents other users from making changes to it on the WebDAV server. When you're finished making edits, check in the file to update your changes to the server and release your lock on the managed file.

To check out a file:

    Do one of the following:

    • To check out the file that you already have open, choose File > Workgroup > Check Out. Alternately, choose Check Out from the Workgroup pop-up menu Workgroup pop-up menu at the bottom of the application window (Windows) or document window (Mac OS).
    • To open and check out a file at the same time, choose File > Workgroup > Open. Then, locate and select the file and click Check Out. (See Opening managed files.)

To verify if a local file is available for check out:

  1. Open your copy of the file.
  2. Choose File > Workgroup > Verify State, or choose Verify State from the Workgroup pop-up menu.

To check in a file:

    Do one of the following:

    • To check in the file and update changes to the server, choose File > Workgroup > Check In. Alternately, choose Check In from the Workgroup pop-up menu.
    • To check in the file without updating changes to the server, choose File > Workgroup > Cancel Check Out. Alternately, choose Cancel Check Out from the Workgroup pop-up menu.