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Color inclusion and transparency

    To specify colors to be included in the indexed color table or to specify transparency in the image, choose from the following options:


    Provides options to force the inclusion of certain colors in the color table. Black and White adds a pure black and a pure white to the color table; Primaries adds red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, black, and white; Web adds the 216 web-safe colors; and Custom lets you define custom colors to add.


    Specifies whether to preserve transparent areas of the image during conversion. Selecting this option adds a special index entry in the color table for transparent colors. Deselecting this option fills transparent areas with the matte color, or with white if no matte color is chosen.


    Specifies the background color used to fill anti-aliased edges that lie adjacent to transparent areas of the image. With Transparency selected, the matte is applied to edge areas to help blend the edges with a Web background of the same color. With Transparency deselected, the matte is applied to transparent areas. Choosing None for the matte creates hard-edged transparency if Transparency is selected; otherwise, all transparent areas are filled with 100% white.