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Using the Invert command

    The Invert command inverts the colors in an image. You might use this command to make a positive black-and-white image negative or to make a positive from a scanned black-and-white negative.

    Note: Because color print film contains an orange mask in its base, the Invert command cannot make accurate positive images from scanned color negatives. Be sure to use the proper settings for color negatives when scanning film on slide scanners.

    When you invert an image, the brightness value of each pixel in the channels is converted to the inverse value on the 256-step color-values scale. For example, a pixel in a positive image with a value of 255 is changed to 0, and a pixel with a value of 5 to 250.

To use the Invert command:

    Choose Image > Adjustments > Invert, or choose Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Invert (Photoshop).