Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest5/2/2024 7:13:19 AM1) Claudia Weber-Gebert.......... (57 votes) to face...1/18/2013 1:43:00 AM2) Claudia Weber-Fischer......... (56 votes) fish + ambient light, Comino caves Canon IXUS 100IS3/30/2012 1:20:00 AM3) Simon Theuma.................. (48 votes) Stop - Prop of the Um El Farud Zurrieq Malta, covered with colourful sponges.6/5/2008 8:32:00 AM4) Andrey Tazba.................. (47 votes) Torpedo boat S-31. Depth 65 m.3/2/2008 2:11:00 AM5) Andrey Tazba.................. (46 votes) 12:14:00 AM6) Thierry Lannoy................ (46 votes) 10:30:00 AM7) Andrey Tazba.................. (41 votes) Beaufighter2/19/2008 9:49:00 PM8) Andrey Tazba.................. (40 votes) 1:39:00 PM9) Isabella Maffei............... (40 votes)"BABAI"3/3/2012 6:26:00 AM10) Claudia Weber-Gebert.......... (40 votes) pollution - save our seas12/4/2012 1:39:00 AM