Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest5/6/2024 4:30:44 AM1) Babula Mikulova............... (95 votes) 6:44:00 AM2) Rostislav Štefánek............ (20 votes) snack :)5/15/2017 1:33:00 PM3) Michal Kubík.................. (18 votes) snake (Natrix tessellata)6/8/2017 2:32:00 PM4) Jano Karaffa.................. (15 votes) faerie - The photography was taken as part of uw wedding collection. This is connection among beautiful wedding dress made by man, charm of woman as water faerie and energy of water as power of nature. Canon 5D MarkIII, Canon EF 24mm f1,4 Nauti3/7/2016 12:22:00 PM5) Martin Ferak.................. (14 votes) 6:38:00 PM6) Babula Mikulova............... (14 votes) dream7/7/2013 12:28:00 PM7) Mikulás Németh................ (14 votes) and fish3/26/2015 9:05:00 AM8) Viktor Vrbovský............... (14 votes) snake (Natrix tessellata)5/25/2017 3:57:00 PM9) Peter Sykora.................. (13 votes) diver:-)4/25/2012 9:46:00 AM10) Mikulás Németh................ (13 votes) Patas12/17/2012 2:17:00 PM