Top 10 latest video contest entries on UnderwaterPhotography.comen-us© Contest6/6/2024 10:56:47 PM1) Yonatan Nir................... (37 votes) wide as it gets2/13/2011 1:46:00 PM2) Doris Vierkötter.............. (16 votes) 11:16:00 AM3) Alberto Romeo................. (14 votes) sleeping at the sun near the river in Kruger Park3/14/2010 5:55:00 AM4) John Loving................... (14 votes) in the Okavango Delta4/28/2018 4:16:00 PM5) Alberto Romeo................. (13 votes) hippo in Krugher park.12/20/2009 4:34:00 AM6) Patrick Ford.................. (13 votes) fishermen were putting out a net on Lake Malawi near the village of Cape Maclear at the southern end of the lake. An egret flew over just by chance, as the evening sun put a lovely yellow glow over the water.12/30/2009 4:03:00 PM7) Patrick Ford.................. (13 votes) the sunrises, life wakes up along the western shores of Lake Malawi at Senga Bay, with fishermen unloading their catches and woman carrying water on her head and child walking alongside12/31/2009 5:20:00 AM8) Alberto Romeo................. (13 votes) beautiful little lake in Kruger Parck1/8/2010 3:18:00 AM9) Aaron Gekoski................. (13 votes) of a notoriously difficult to photograph mouthbreeder, in 'mid-suck'. Malawi's mouthbreeders rear their babies in their mouths until they're fit to fend for themselves. It took me four months to get this shot!7/26/2013 8:21:00 AM10) Andrew Macleod................ (9 votes) crab in Lake Malawi.12/14/2018 2:08:00 AM