photo photo contest© UnderwaterPhotography.comthe #1 u/w photo contest2/18/2025 2:03:44 AMWilliam Goers Jr annae9/2/2024 8:26:00 PM annae Goers Jr cristata8/12/2024 7:04:00 AM cristata Goers Jr shrimp with piercing metallic eyes comfortably resting in a bubble coral8/10/2024 4:06:00 PM shrimp with piercing metallic eyes comfortably resting in a bubble coral Goers Jr in a sea of anemone7/18/2024 10:54:00 AM in a sea of anemone Goers Jr in a tight anemone coat7/17/2024 1:19:00 PM in a tight anemone coat Goers Jr Carpet Anemone7/10/2024 6:52:00 AM Carpet Anemone Goers Jr Clownfish7/10/2024 6:42:00 AM Clownfish Goers Jr Cuttlefish7/10/2024 6:32:00 AM Cuttlefish Goers Jr Blue Ring Octopus on the move (toward the photographer!)7/10/2024 6:28:00 AM Blue Ring Octopus on the move (toward the photographer!) Estevez Porras out this epic shot I snagged of a Thresher Shark in Malapascua! It was one of those heart-pounding moments where you just feel lucky to be there. Watching it glide through the water was like witnessing a living legend in action.3/28/2024 6:12:00 AM out this epic shot I snagged of a Thresher Shark in Malapascua! It was one of those heart-pounding moments where you just feel lucky to be there. Watching it glide through the water was like witnessing a living legend in action.