photo photo contest© UnderwaterPhotography.comthe #1 u/w photo contest7/26/2024 4:58:11 PMGrethel Dejaresco Ornate Ghost Pipefish carrying its eggs. This shot was taken in Gato Island, Malapascua Cebu, Philippines, with an Olympus TG-6 Camera and a Backscatter MF-2.5/19/2024 11:54:00 PM Ornate Ghost Pipefish carrying its eggs. This shot was taken in Gato Island, Malapascua Cebu, Philippines, with an Olympus TG-6 Camera and a Backscatter MF-2. Keem Atuel stunning nudibranch, captured with a camera and a handheld torch, showcases its intricate, vibrant hues and delicate features. The soft, iridescent body of the nudibranch gleams in the spotlight.11/7/2023 10:06:00 PM stunning nudibranch, captured with a camera and a handheld torch, showcases its intricate, vibrant hues and delicate features. The soft, iridescent body of the nudibranch gleams in the spotlight.