photo photo contest© UnderwaterPhotography.comthe #1 u/w photo contest7/26/2024 4:44:00 PMWilliam Goers Jr in the water column7/23/2024 11:47:00 AM in the water column Goers Jr crab mating and releasing its eggs on night dive in Cozumel7/10/2024 12:22:00 AM crab mating and releasing its eggs on night dive in Cozumel Deery exit from Tajma Ha freshwater cave, near Tulum, Mexico, after a 30-minute cave dive.2/5/2024 9:59:00 PM exit from Tajma Ha freshwater cave, near Tulum, Mexico, after a 30-minute cave dive. Afflitti CROCODILE 212/24/2023 10:29:00 AM CROCODILE 2 Afflitti CROCODILE12/24/2023 10:02:00 AM CROCODILE Palmer Blenny Oil Rig Diving 60 miles off the Texas Gulf Coast Panasonic LX100 w/ Nauticam Housing Light & Motion Sola 9600 Lights10/17/2023 10:39:00 AM Blenny Oil Rig Diving 60 miles off the Texas Gulf Coast Panasonic LX100 w/ Nauticam Housing Light & Motion Sola 9600 Lights Goulding Flying Fish captured on a black water dive in 1000ft of water off of Cozumel.9/29/2023 10:38:00 AM Flying Fish captured on a black water dive in 1000ft of water off of Cozumel. Palmer is an underwater picture of an active oil rig 65 miles off the Texas Gulf Coast. I recently had the pleasure of descending upon this rig and discovering the vibrant ecosystem below living on these artificial reefs.9/29/2023 9:34:00 AM is an underwater picture of an active oil rig 65 miles off the Texas Gulf Coast. I recently had the pleasure of descending upon this rig and discovering the vibrant ecosystem below living on these artificial reefs.