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Saving and loading working space profiles

    If none of the working space options in the Color Settings dialog box accurately describe the color space of your particular output or display device, you can create a custom RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, or Spot working space profile. Saving your custom profile ensures that you can reuse it and share it with other users and other Adobe applications that use the Color Settings dialog box.

    You can also load a profile that has not been saved in the recommended profile location, so that the profile appears in the Color Settings dialog box.

To save a custom profile:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows and Mac OS 9.x, choose Edit > Color Settings, and select Advanced Mode.
    • In Mac OS X, choose Photoshop > Color Settings, and select Advanced Mode.
  2. Create a custom working space profile. (See Creating custom RGB profiles, Creating custom CMYK profiles, or Creating custom grayscale and spot-color profiles.)
  3. Under Working Spaces, choose Save Color Space from the appropriate menu.
  4. Name and save the profile. (See Obtaining, installing, and updating color profiles for the recommended location to save the profile.)
  5. To access a saved profile, you may need to load it or restart Photoshop. If you do not save a custom profile, it will be stored only in the custom color settings file of which it is a part and will not be available as a profile option in the Color Settings dialog box.

To load a custom profile:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows and Mac OS 9.x, choose Edit > Color Settings, and select Advanced Mode.
    • In Mac OS X, choose Photoshop > Color Settings, and select Advanced Mode.
  2. Under Working Spaces, choose Load Color Space from the appropriate menu.
  3. Locate and select the desired profile, and click Open.
  4. If you load a profile that has been saved outside the recommended location, it temporarily replaces the Other option in the Working Spaces menu, until another profile is loaded.