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Applying a gradient fill

    You fill an area with a gradient by dragging in the image. The starting point (where the mouse is pressed) and ending point (where the mouse is released) affect the gradient appearance, depending on the gradient tool used.

To apply a gradient fill:

  1. To fill part of the image, select the desired area. Otherwise, the gradient fill is applied to the entire active layer.
  2. Select the gradient tool linear gradient tool .
  3. Choose a gradient fill in the options bar:
    • Click the triangle next to the gradient sample to pick a preset gradient fill.
    • Click inside the gradient sample to view the Gradient Editor. Select a preset gradient fill, or create a new gradient fill. Then click OK. (See Creating smooth gradient fills.)
  4. Select an option for applying the gradient fill in the options bar:
    • Linear gradient linear gradient tool to shade from the starting point to the ending point in a straight line.
    • Radial gradient Radial gradient to shade from the starting point to the ending point in a circular pattern.
    • Angle gradient Angle gradient to shade in a counterclockwise sweep around the starting point.
    • Reflected gradient Reflected gradient to shade using symmetric linear gradients on either side of the starting point.
    • Diamond gradient Diamond gradient to shade from the starting point outward in a diamond pattern. The ending point defines one corner of the diamond.
  5. Do the following in the options bar:
  6. Position the pointer in the image where you want to set the starting point of the gradient, and drag to define the ending point. To constrain the line angle to a multiple of 45°, hold down Shift as you drag.