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Choosing a Lighting Effects type

    You can choose from several light types:

    • Omni shines light in all directions from directly above the image--like a lightbulb over a piece of paper.
    • Directional shines light from far away so that the light angle doesn't change--like the sun.
    • Spotlight casts an elliptical beam of light. The line in the preview window defines the light direction and angle, and the handles define the edges of the ellipse.

To adjust an Omni light:

  1. Choose Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.
  2. For Light Type, choose Omni.
  3. Adjust the light:
    • To move the light, drag the center circle.
    • To increase or decrease the size of the light (like a light moving closer or farther away), drag one of the handles defining the edges of the effect.

To adjust the angle and height of the directional light using the preview window:

  1. Choose Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.
  2. For Light Type, choose Directional.
  3. Adjust the light:
    • To move the light, drag the center circle.
    • To change the direction of the light, drag the handle at the end of the line to rotate the light's angle. Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) to keep the light's height (line length) constant.
    • To change the light's height, drag the handle at the end of the line. Shorten the line for a bright light, lengthen it for a less intense one. A very short line produces pure white light, a very long one no light. Shift-drag to keep the angle constant and change the light's height (line length).

To adjust the angle and height of the spotlight using the preview window:

  1. Choose Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.
  2. For Light Type, choose Spotlight.
  3. Adjust the light:
    • To move the light, drag the center circle.
    • To increase the light angle, drag the handle to shorten the line. To decrease the light angle, drag to lengthen the line.
    • To stretch the ellipse or rotate the light, drag one of the handles. Shift-drag to keep the angle constant and change only the size of the ellipse. Ctrl-drag (Windows) or Command-drag (Mac OS) to keep the size constant and change the angle or direction of the spotlight.
    • To set the light focus (or spotlight intensity) and control how much of an ellipse is filled with light, drag the Intensity slider: full intensity (a value of 100) is brightest; normal intensity is about 50; negative intensity takes away light; and -100 intensity produces no light. Use the Focus slider to control how much of the ellipse is filled with light.