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Setting options for the lasso, polygonal lasso, and magnetic lasso tools

    The lasso tool options let you customize how the different lasso tools detect and select edges.

To set options for the lasso tools:

  1. If needed, select the tool.
  2. In the options bar, specify whether to add a new selection Add a New Selection button, add to an existing selection Add to a Selection button, subtract from a selection Subtract from a Selection button, or select an area intersected by other selections Area Intersected by Other Selection button.
  3. Specify feather and anti-aliasing options. (See Softening the edges of a selection.)
  4. For the magnetic lasso tool (Photoshop), set any of these options:
    • To specify a detection width, enter a pixel value for Width. The magnetic lasso detects edges only within the specified distance from the pointer.
    • To specify the lasso's sensitivity to edges in the image, enter a value between 1% and 100% for Edge Contrast. A higher value detects only edges that contrast sharply with their surroundings; a lower value detects lower-contrast edges.
    • To specify the rate at which the lasso sets fastening points, enter a value between 0 and 100 for Frequency. A higher value anchors the selection border in place more quickly.

    On an image with well-defined edges, try a higher width and higher edge contrast, and trace the border roughly. On an image with softer edges, try a lower width and lower edge contrast, and trace the border more precisely.

    • To change the lasso cursor to indicate the lasso width, press the Caps Lock key on the keyboard. Change the cursor while the tool is selected but not in use.
    • If you are working with a stylus tablet, select or deselect the Stylus Pressure option. When the option is selected, an increase in stylus pressure will cause the edge width to decrease.

    TipWhile creating a selection, you can press ] to increase the magnetic lasso edge width by 1 pixel; press [ to decrease the width by 1 pixel.