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About brush dynamics (Photoshop)

    The Brushes palette provides many options for adding dynamic (or changing) elements to preset brush tips. For example, you can set options that vary the size, color, and opacity of brush marks over the course of a stroke.

    You work with two components when adding dynamics elements to a brush:

    • Jitter percentages specify the randomness of dynamic elements. At 0%, an element does not change over the course of a stroke; at 100%, an element has the maximum amount of randomness.
    • Options in the Control pop-up menus specify how you want to control the variance of dynamic elements. You can choose to not control the variance of an element, to fade an element over the specified number of steps, or to vary an element based of pen pressure, pen tilt, or position of the pen thumbwheel.

    Note: Pen controls are only are available only when you're using a pressure-sensitive digitizing tablet such as the Wacom® tablet. A warning icon appears if you select a pen control but have not installed a tablet.