Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Micronesia Underwater Photo Sites

Micronesia flag
Micronesian flag
Micronesia climate graphMicronesia map
Micronesia flag Micronesia has a total land surface area of 702 Sq Km (271 Sq miles)
Micronesia is part of Oceania
  • The currency used in Micronesia is US dollar (USD)
  • The language of Micronesia is English (official and common language), Trukese, Pohnpeian, Yapese, Kosrean, Ulithian, Woleaian, Nukuoro, Kapingamarangi
  • The capital of Micronesia is Palikir
  • The time in Micronesia is 10:55
  • The coastline of Micronesia is 6112 kilometres (3789 miles)

The climate in Micronesia is tropical; heavy year-round rainfall, especially in the eastern islands; located on southern edge of the typhoon belt with occasionally severe damage

Micronesia Underwater Photo Sites
38 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2
Mandarin fish dive at O'Keefes, Micronesia
The Helmet Wreck, Micronesia
Truk Lagoon Wrecks., Micronesia
Yap Caverns, Micronesia
Eagles Nest, Yap Island, Micronesia
Landing Pad, Micronesia
Laura Marie, Yap Island, Micronesia
Wreck of the Laura Marie, Micronesia
colonia yap, Micronesia
Shark island Truk (Chuuk) lagoon, Micronesia
Yap, Vertigo Dive Site, Micronesia
German Channel, Micronesia
Dolphine House, Micronesia
Carp Island - Micronesia, Micronesia
Vertigo, Yap Island, Micronesia, Micronesia
Vertigo, Micronesia
Nippo Maru shipwreck in Truk Lagoon, Micronesia
Rainbow Reef, Yap, Micronesia
New Drop Off, Micronesia
Jellyfish Lake, Micronesia
38 Entries Found: Page 1  of  2
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