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Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

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by Francisco F Kyle

by Steven Miller
Coral Banded Shrimp- biggest I've ever seen, almost 6 inches across

by Nadya Kulagina
Beginning of new life...

by Jeffrey Richards
Taken with an Olympus OMD EM5 with 14-42mm kit lens.

by Jeffrey Richards
Porcupine Pufferfish are my favorites!

by Jeffrey Richards
Ready, set, go!

by Chase Darnell
Grass Fire" The light engulfs the Turtle Grass in the shallow mangroves of Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Wonderland" Sinking mangrove blooms being lit by the sun!

by Steven Miller
a perfect heart.. it was supposed to be a circle :-)

by Steven Miller
tell a story

by Jeffrey Richards
A Caribbean reef shark cruising the reef

by Jeffrey Richards
A lionfish in Grand Cayman

by John Parker
Yellow Sponge Grand Cayman East End

by Robin Bateman
Keep Swimming

by Steven Miller
dreaming of the Manta train

by Chase Darnell
"Jelly Burst" A Jelly Fish backlit using the sun.

by Chase Darnell
"Vibrance" Possibly the most vibrant critter I have seen in Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Open Wide" A Red Lip Blenny standing his ground on the South Side of Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"The Crack"

by Dusty Norman
"Arrow Face" A Close-up of a Yellow Lined Arrow Crab.

by Chase Darnell
"The Green House" At such a shallow depth this mini wall was teaming with life, and so well lit on a bright sunny day.

by Chase Darnell
"Star Marks the Spot" While exploring the mangroves around Booby Cay on paddle board, we found an abundance of starfish near the roots making for some awesome images.

by Chase Darnell
"Chest Bump" Small Hawksbill heading to the surface in Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Closer Look" Throughout the entire dive the two Caribbean Reef sharks known to us as the 'Brothers' made passes back and forth past me, getting closer and closer with each cruise past.

by Chase Darnell
"Water Traffic Control" Southern Stingrays buzzing the sandy bottom of Stingray City Dive Site.

by Chase Darnell
"Eye Ballin" A Hawksbill Turtle makes a close approach to the camera.

by Chase Darnell
"Going Up" A free diver heads for the surface.

by Chase Darnell
"Swoop" It's amazing to see the school of baitfish move in unison as the paddle boarder moved closer to the fish above.

by Chase Darnell
"Round Em Up" A factor to consider, photographers are not the only things out looking for these sudden blooms of Silversides.

by Chase Darnell
"Descending" A large Hawksbill Turtle makes his plunge back into the blue.

by Chase Darnell
"Follow the Leader" Nothing like a game of tag with some friendly Spotted Eagle Rays.

by Chase Darnell
"Dinner Bell" Loggerhead chowing down. An incredible experience sitting inches away from this guy for about 20 minutes while he finished off his meal.

by Chase Darnell
"Turtle Youth" A very small Green Sea Turtle swimming and looking for turtle grass just off Seven Mile Beach.

by Chase Darnell
"See You Soon" Though we must come up for air, we also know we can reenter the blue world as many times as we want.

by Chase Darnell
"Turtle Gaze" Sometimes you can see an animals curiosity during an encounter.

by Chase Darnell
"Incoming" A large Hawksbill Turtle swims through the blue.

by Tianhong Wang

by Tianhong Wang

by Chase Darnell
"Turtle Wave" By getting out in front of a turtle you give it the choice to either swim around you or simply just keep swimming. I find calm breathing and nice subtle movements encourage great encounters.

by Chase Darnell
"Dawn Dive" A Hawksbill Turtle taking a dive in the early morning light.

by Chase Darnell
Sand | Search | Swim A Spotted Eagle Ray cruising inches above the sandy bottom in search of its next meal. Thanks for letting me fly with you.

by Chase Darnell
Dig | Eat | Swim A Spotted Eagle Ray finishes off his Garden Eel snack as he takes flight.

by Gareth Davies
Saddled Blenny

by Gareth Davies
Giant Anemone

by Gareth Davies

by Ian Kay
Early morning wreck work before anyone else is heaven on the USS Kittiwake

by Tim Nelson
Found this grouper getting a cleaning off Little Cayman. He was so relaxed he let me get right in his face with my wide angle lens.

by Romeo Penacino
Black water dive at grand cayman .

by William Goers Jr
Lionfish in the water column
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