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Underwater Photo Location: Kakaban island

Underwater Photo Location: Kakaban island

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
This is a small island with a huge lake inside. After Palau it is the best place in the world to find non-stinging jellyfish. It is an unforgettable experience to swim without fear surrounded by jellies.
If you go there don't forget to explore the magnificent shoreline. The overhanging branches of the trees are covered in colourful sponges and some beautiful nudis can be found here.
Facts about Kakaban island
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Kakaban island is in the Celebes Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Erika Antoniazzo
Sponges growing on the overhanging branches of the trees in the jellyfish lake of Kakaban island. I used a 10.5mm lens on a Nikon D200 camera with both my Inon strobes underwater on the side of the housing to get this shot.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Barracudas at Kakaban island, Borneo, Indonesia

by Erika Antoniazzo
Sponges growing on the overhanging branches of the mangrove trees at lake Kakaban in Indonesia.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Non stinging Jellyfish in lake Kakaban. Taken while snorkling. I had a wetsuit but no weightbelt so I had to keep kicking down to take this photo :)

by Erika Antoniazzo
Coral reef in front of the jetty of Kakaban island on a lucky day :)

by Erika Antoniazzo
Mirror image of a needle fish among the colourful, sponge covered, roots and branches of some mangrove trees in Kakaban jellyfish lake.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Colourful sponges growing on the roots of the mangrove trees in lake Kakaban.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Rainbow Runners swimming in the sun above me.

by Yves Antoniazzo
Wall dive in Kakaban island, Kalimantan Fuji S5 Pro 10.5 mm

by Erika Antoniazzo
Anemone on a wall

by Erika Antoniazzo
Leaf in Lake Kakaban.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Drop off at Kakaban Island, Indonesia

by Erika Antoniazzo
Non-stinging jellyfish taken while snorkling. I had a wetsuit (I get cold real fast) but no weightbelt so had to keep kicking down real fast while taking the picture upside down, hard work :) took a few tries before I got the shot I wanted.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Table Corals at Kakaban island

by Erika Antoniazzo
Sponges on the reef of Kakaban island

by Erika Antoniazzo
Non-Stinging jellyfish in lake Kakaban

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Over? Under ? @ Kakaban JellyFish Lake.

by Syed Hafiz
Jellyfish Lake Kakaban, S100 + wide angle +dual inon Z240. ISO80 F7.1 1/320

by Syed Hafiz
Kakaban Jellyfish Lake.

by Qunyi Zhang
Picture taken at Kakaban jelly fish lake in Indonesia. With a Sony 6500 camera, nautical housing and Inon 240 strobe. I made this round circle manually. The sky looks like the earth and the jelly fish looks like a space ship.

by Qunyi Zhang
Two small white tip reef sharks live under the hard coral at Kakaban island, Indonesia. One of them has a hook in the mouth. If you have any chance diving there, please say hello.
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