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Seahorse and his babies
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
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posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
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 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
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Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
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posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Padangbai Dive Site

Underwater Photo Location: Padangbai Dive Site

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From Macro to Super macro critters
Facts about Padangbai Dive Site
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Padangbai Dive Site is in the Bali Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Dennis Chen
Trilobate ceratosoma

by Stefan Follows
Frizzy ... Nudibranch - Janolus sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Teddy ... Giant Frogfish - Antennarius Commerson. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
How I wonder ... Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Heart of the Sun. Nudibranch - Tambja sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Epic. Southern Ocean Sunfish - Mola ramsayi. Gilli Mimpang, Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Wazzup? Double-ended Pipefish - Trachyrhamphus bicoarctatus. Padangbai, Bali

by Stefan Follows
Freaky Friday. Nudibranch - Janolus sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
“Gold is the corpse of value...” Neal Stephenson. Thorny Seahorse - Hippocampus histrix. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Fissure. Ornate Ghost Pipefish (Juv)- Solenostomus paradoxus. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Magic ... ! Gilli Mimpang, Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Cry me a river ... Spiny Waspfish - Ablabys macracanthus. Padangbai, Bali

by Stefan Follows
Super Sucker ... ! Slender Pipefish - Trachyrhamphus longirostris Padangbai, Bali

by Stefan Follows
Face Off Giant Frogfish - Antennarius Commerson Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Redonkulous ... ! Nudibranch - Janolus sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Horsing around Thorny Seahorse - Hippocampus histrix Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Plunge Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Fizzog Giant Frogfish - Antennarius Commerson Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Little Puddlepooper Nudibranch - Tambja sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Jazz Hands Nudibranch - ID Please Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
The Wanderer Nudibranch - ID Please Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Not all that glitters ... Wire Coral Shrimp - Pontonides uncigeri Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Well, That Was Awkward ... ! Nudibranch - Reticulidia sp. (?) Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Double Trouble Whip Coral Goby - Bryaninops yongei Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Betwixt Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Creep Nudibranch - Nembrotha kubaryana Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Effervescent Allied Cowry - Aclyvolva sp. Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Roadrunner Nudibranch - Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Eye eye ... ! Peacock Mantis Shrimp - Odontodactylus scyllarus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Dave's not here ... Spiny Waspfish - Ablabys macracanthu Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Ghost in the Machine ... Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
The Drop Nudibranch - Hypselodoris whitei Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Kind of Blue Nudibranch - Ardeadoris egretta Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
vex·a·tion Nudibranch - Janolus sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Hideaway Coleman Shrimp - Periclimenes colemani Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Why So Serious - Demon Stinger - Inimicus didactylus - Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Melt- Nudibranch - ID Please - Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Firestarter ... ! Coleman Shrimp - Periclimenes colemani Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Slider Nudibranch - Tambja sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Up From The Skies Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata Bali

by Stefan Follows
Three Musketeers Whitetip Reef Shark - Triaenodon obesus Biaha, Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
'Blue Steel' Nudibranch - Tambja sp. Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Doyen Reef Cuttlefish - Sepia latimanus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Hazey Jane Nudibranch - Cuthona sibogae ? Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Governor Leaf Scorpionfish - Taenianotus triacanthus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Big Blue Nudibranch - Tambja morosa Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Squirm Orange Pipefish - Doryrhamphus multiannulators Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Clothes of sand Nudibranch - Armina semperi Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
“You blew it up!" Nudibranch, Nembrotha kubaryana Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Gently Tender Nudibranch - Flabellina exoptata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Eric Emperor Shrimp - Periclimenes Imperator Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Freak Painted Frogfish - Antennarius pictus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Slider Nudibranch - Costasiella sp. Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Sneaky Fu*$er Nudibranch - who knows!? Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
High Life Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata Liberty Wreck, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Quandary Nudibranch - ? Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Free Solo Nudibranch - Dermatobranchus albus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Lost and Found Leaf Scorpionfish - Taenianotus triacanthus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Passerby Biota's Bristletail Filefish - Acreichthys tomentosus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
par·a·noid Black Saddled Toby - Canthigaster Valentini Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Oi you, it's Friday! Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
To Boldly Go...! Nudibranch - Hypselodoris decorata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Squats! Nudibranch - Tambja sp. Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Night Rider Robust Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus cyanopterus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Kinda' Blue Nudibranch - Tambja morosa Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Nudibranch - Dendronotus regius Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Slim Slow Slider Nudibranch - Hypselodoris ghardaqana Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Flight of the Nudi ... ! Nudibranch - Ceratosoma gracillimum Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Slither Ornate Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus paradoxus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Star Rider Emperor Shrimp - Zenopontonia rex Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
All a Matter of Scale Orange False Stonefish - Scorpaenopsis diabola Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Slide Nudibranch - Roboastra tentaculata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Heart of Gold Nudibranch - Thecacera sp. Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Peaches Spider Crab - Achaeus Spinosus? Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
DT's Napoleon Snake-eel - Ophichthus bonaparti Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
You gotta' Frond in me Anemone Porcelain Crab - Neopetrolisthes maculatus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
You gotta' Frond in me Anemone Porcelain Crab - Neopetrolisthes maculatus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Funambulism Nudibranch - Costasiella sp. Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Take Two Robust Ghost Pipefish - Solenostomus cyanopterus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Hello! Hawksbill Turtle - Eretmochelys imbricata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Psychedelic Eric Giant Frogfish - Antennarius Commerson Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Lil Creep ... Nudibranch - Armina semperi Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Hide and Seek Nudibranch - Jorunna funebris Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Same same ... Leaf Scorpionfish - Taenianotus triacanthus Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Squirmer Nudibranc - Phyllidia ocellata Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
A riot of colour in glorious Black & White ... ! Leaf Scorpionfish - Taenianotus triacanthus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Keep me hangin' on Anemone Porcelain Crab - Neopetrolisthes maculatus Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Red Baron Nudibranch - Hypselodoris whitei Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Coaster Nudibranch - Pteraeolidia Ianthina Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Stefan Follows
Poise Leaf Scorpionfish - Taenianotus triacanthus Bali, Indonisia
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