Latest Contest entries
Samla bicolor nudibranch_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f22 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Nudibranchs Thecacera picta  in the process of copulate
By Oksana Maksymova
posted (3 days ago)
Goniobranchus quadricolor_January 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f11 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (6 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (6 days ago)
Blackchin Guitarfish   Glaucostegus cemiculus  formerly Rhinobatos cemiculus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Little Little Bight, Utila

Underwater Photo Location: Little Little Bight, Utila

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Mixed patch coral patch reefs, sandy bottom, wall, and mixed sand gravel bottom at deeper depths.
Facts about Little Little Bight, Utila
  • It is in Honduras
  • Little Little Bight, Utila is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Brad Ryon
Diamond Pipefish located at Little Little Bight on Utila, Honduras

by Brad Ryon
Blue Throat Pike Blenny, (Chaenopsis ocellata) Little Little Bight; Utila, Honduras

by Brad Ryon
Gaudy Clown Crab - Platypodiella spectabilis; Utila, Honduras

by Brad Ryon
Christmas Tree Worm (Spirobranchus giganteus)

by Phil Smith
Christmas Tree Worm...Utila

by Phil Smith
Brittle Star and Friend

by Brad Ryon
Branching Anemone (Lebrunia danae)

by Brad Ryon
Juvenile squid

by Brad Ryon
decorator crab

by Brad Ryon
Secretary Blenny (Acanthemblemaria maria)

by Brad Ryon
Juvenile French angelfish (Pomacanthus paru)

by Brad Ryon
Slender Filefish (Monacanthus tuckeri)

by Brad Ryon
gammaridean amphipod on a solitary gorgonian

by Brad Ryon
Red Snapping Shrimp (Alpheus armatus)

by Brad Ryon
Sharpnose Puffer (Canthigaster rostrata)

by Brad Ryon
Antillean Fileclam (Lima pellucida)

by Brad Ryon
Roughhead Blenny - Acanthemblemaria aspera

by Brad Ryon
Gaudy Clown Crab (Platypodiella spectabilis)

by Brad Ryon
queen conch (Lobatus gigas)

by Brad Ryon
Bridled Goby (Coryphopterus glaucofraenum)

by Brad Ryon
Queen Angelfish (Holacanthus ciliaris)

by Brad Ryon

by Brad Ryon
Moon jelly and its fish

by Brad Ryon
Ribbon Blenny (Emblemaria vitta)

by Brad Ryon
Pederson's shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) on a Split-Crown Feather Duster (Anamobaea oerstedi)

by Brad Ryon
Sharpnose Puffer (Canthigaster rostrata)

by Brad Ryon
Eggs of a Caribbean reef squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea)

by Brad Ryon
Shrimp with Heterochromia

by Brad Ryon
Carribean Velvet Shrimp (Metapenaeopsis goodei)

by Brad Ryon
Eye of a chupare stingray or Caribbean whiptail stingray, Himantura schmardae
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