Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Raja Ampat

Underwater Photo Location: Raja Ampat

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Supported by scientific facts, Raja Ampat is the richest reefs system in the world. After two scientific surveys were conducted Conservation International and The Nature Conservancy in 2001 and 2002 respectively, coral expert John Vernon, Raja Ampat declared that Raja Ampat had a higher density of species than anywhere else in the world. The world’s top ichthyologist Dr. Gerry Allen broke his own record twice in Raja Ampat for number of species recorded on a single dive. Before diving in the Raja Ampat area his record was 204 different species recorded in Milne Bay in Papua New Guinea. In 2001, he documented 283 species of coral fish at Cape Kri. Then, during the 2002 near the island of Kofiau, he set a new personal record by documenting 284 species during one dive. This is the coral reefs final frontier. I have been there 4 times and I am going back in 2005 – this time with the a very special guest and a very special boat – the MV Pelagian; undoubtedly one of the best live-aboard in the world
Facts about Raja Ampat
Dive types

Marine Life

by Nedip Emin
Do you wanna have a kiss? A beautifull image of a pygmy seahorse bargibanti

by Nedip Emin
looks like from out of space.... a picture of a very wonderful nudibranch flabelina exoptata.

by Nedip Emin
Do you like my outfit? An beautiful image of a colourful flasher wrasse. They are so diffucult to catch on a picture cause of their constant fast moving.

by Jeannette Howard
pair of lion fish taken in Raj Ampat: Nikon D70

by Tony Makin

by Jeannette Howard
Sad Face Blenny:) Stop looking at me!!

by Jeannette Howard
Underwater Love!

by Iman Brotoseno
Flying Wobegong Shark, from Rajaampat , Papua - Indonesia

by Nazir Amin
Manta on Black, Raja Ampat

by Nazir Amin
School of Jackfish

by Carl Gennaro
Baby cuttle fish

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Black Mantas on final approach !!

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Eye to eye ...

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
The Passage :)

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Sun Set at Kri Island

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Black Manta ,Close encounter...

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Ooooh Pick me, No Pick Me , me Please ......

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Flower Pot ...

by Giuseppe Piccioli
Slow motion

by Giuseppe Piccioli
Along the soft coral

by Patrick Burke
Pseudoceros Ferrugineus taken in Raja Ampat

by Sinan Oztan
This shot was taken on an island at Raja Ampat while we dropped for surface time...

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Snorkeling at the mangroves 2 :)

by Giuseppe Piccioli
Towards the surface

by Sinan Oztan
A shot from the passage at Raja Ampat

by Tony Makin
Emperor shrimp on a sea cumber

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
They get in everywhere...

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
We played hide and seek till got this shot of him :)

by Sinan Oztan
Reflection of a white tube worm on a coral at Wasrer Reef, Raja Ampat

by Tony Makin
Puppy dog

by Tony Makin
Pipefish on hard coral

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Mike's Point ....

by Tony Makin
Black saddled Toby

by Tony Makin
Crab on soft coral

by Tony Makin
Moray eel

by Nazir Amin
Manta on Black.. Water reflection created using photoshop

by Tony Makin
Wobegong on the move

by Henry Jager
"Chromodoris leopardus"

by Reidar Opem

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Mixed Up ?

by Jeannette Howard
Anemone fish ~ Raja Ampat

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Flying trough the Rain Forest..

by Reidar Opem
Spine-cheeked clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus)

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Wobegong and Diver...

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Snorkeling at the Mangroves..

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Jacks under Jetty...

by Henry Jager
"Raja Ampat Corals" Some colors to celebrate the end of year 2010 :-)

by Nazir Amin
Taken in Raja Ampat

by Henry Jager
"Wobbegong" Seen at the Raja Ampat.

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
Nudi Rock, Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Farondi Cave, Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Strolling through Melissa's Garden

by Tony Cherbas
Manta Sandy

by Tony Cherbas
What Manta? Where?

by Tony Cherbas
Manta vs Dolphin: Our diveguide, Dolphin Mcair, at Manta Sandy. Shot in B&W.

by Tony Cherbas
Pearl Farm Pier

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
Boo Windows

by Tony Cherbas
Tilted Barrel

by Tony Cherbas
My favorite dive site: Nudi Rock, Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
Under the skiff at Three Sisters, Misool

by Tony Cherbas
Huge school of scads at the Pearl Farm Pier

by Tony Cherbas
Nudi Rock, Misool

by Tony Cherbas
Fish Wall

by Tony Cherbas
Manta Mug

by Tony Cherbas
Finding gold in the ocean

by Tony Cherbas
Kaleidescope, Misool

by Tony Cherbas
Manta stopping by for a cleaning. Shot in B+W

by Tony Cherbas
Juvenile Scorpionfish

by Tony Cherbas
Galactic Flatworm

by Tony Cherbas
Soft corals near Misool, Raja Ampat

by Mary Wilson
Solar Power Nudibranch I found at Raja Ampat it was about 20cm long. They live in symbiosis with an algae (zooxanthellae) stored in their outer tissues and live off the sugars produced by the algae's photosynthesis

by Tony Cherbas
Exploring shallow coral formations on the safety stop

by Tony Cherbas
Sponge Abstract

by Tony Cherbas
The Neon Forests of Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Divers in Melissa's Garden

by Tony Cherbas
Cabbage Patch

by Tony Cherbas
Sea Dust and Sun Beams

by Tony Cherbas
Through a Glass Shrimp

by Tony Cherbas
Flatworm on a Tunicate

by Tony Cherbas
Waiting to Exhale (so the bubbles don't get in the way:)

by Tony Cherbas
Alien Space Craft Landing on a Planet Outside of the Milky Way (oddly enough, it's shaped like a human scuba diver)

by Tony Cherbas
This photo was taken at a dive site called "Grouper Net". I didn't see a lot of Groupers but this school of fusiliers was gigantic. From the angle I shot the photo it looked like a net of fusiliers covering the reef.

by Tony Cherbas
One Eyed Monster? No, it's a wobbegong shark's eye and spiracle.

by Tony Cherbas
Cave Coral

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
Heavy Rainfall, Dark Lit Morning Dive

by Tony Cherbas
Eye of a Juvenile Cuttlefish

by Tony Cherbas
Crocodile Fish Eye

by Tony Cherbas
Fusiliers and Fans

by Tony Cherbas
Magic Carpet

by Tony Cherbas
VERY Large Barrel Sponge. Nudi Rock, Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Color Eruption or Frozen Explosion or Reef Bleeding Life or... Incredible Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Flower in the Muck

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
"Finding Nemo"

by Tony Cherbas
The slight pink to this orange Gorgonian reminds me of Cotton Candy.

by Tony Cherbas
Cleaning Station

by Tony Cherbas
Bait Fish in a Sun Ball

by Tony Cherbas

by Tony Cherbas
Blue Stripes

by Tony Cherbas
The Passage, Raja Ampat

by Tony Cherbas
Leaning Tower of Snapper

by Tony Cherbas
Fans of Orange

by Tony Cherbas
Purple Fountain

by Tony Cherbas
Tunicate Abstract

by Tony Cherbas
Looking Down the Barrel of a Sponge

by Agung Djaja Rachwan
Blenny of Raja Ampat .... "Hellowww" ... :)

by Agung Djaja Rachwan
Yellow Blenny of Raja Ampat ! ... Luv the Eye ...

by Sandrady Irwan
This Flabellina exoptata nudibranch just pose for me, with 100mm lens, and 500D canon, and 250 Sea&sea, in a single dive.

by Agung Djaja Rachwan
a "HELLO" from Raja Ampat Damselfish ... Like the color ... :)

by Sandrady Irwan
Pipe Fish with Eggs, I just realize when I download to my computer. Shoot with canon 500D, 100mm macro lense and single sea&sea 250

by Havard Fagernes
clown fish family

by Havard Fagernes
crab raja ampat

by Havard Fagernes
Puffer fish + barracudas

by Håvard Fagernes

by Håvard Fagernes
Resting fish

by Agung Djaja Rachwan
My name is 'Black Red and White' Nudi .. :) ... First time in my life to see this color of a nudi ..

by Håvard Fagernes
Manta ray

by Paolo Rossi
Bryaninops sp. The cannibal! It's eating one of its similar!

by Paul Flandinette
Bluestripe snapper

by Paul Flandinette
A friendly trumpetfish stayed with me for a while. I liked the effect of seeing the background through the eye of the trumpetfish. 60mm macro

by Arturo De Frias
The Flying Saucer... Frontal portrait of a Giant Manta Ray filter-feeding. These little angels can have a wingspan of more than 7 metres... but they have no sting in the tail and feed exclusively on plankton so they are true gentle giants!

by Morgan Ashton
Found in Batanta, Raja Ampat.

by Morgan Ashton
My first pygmy sea horse. Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G with close-up lens.

by Morgan Ashton
Cuttlefish flashing green during a night dive in Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G.

by Morgan Ashton
Reef scene in Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G with wide-angle lens.

by Morgan Ashton
Whip Goby in Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G with close-up lens.

by Morgan Ashton
Harlequin Shrimp. Night Dive, Dampier Strait, Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G.

by Morgan Ashton
Bird's-eye view of Wobbegong Shark. Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G.

by Morgan Ashton
Clownfish Party. Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G.

by Morgan Ashton
Tube Sponge. Note: dark shadows top left are schooling Bumphead Parrotfish.

by Morgan Ashton
If anyone knows the appropriate name for this, please let me know. Raja Ampat.

by Morgan Ashton
Yellow snapper. Sardine Reef. Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G.

by Morgan Ashton
Manta cleaning station. West Dampier Strait. Raja Ampat. Sea and Sea DX-2G

by Morgan Ashton
Barramundi Cod. Raja Ampat.

by Morgan Ashton
Anemone Hermit Crab. Raja Ampat. They use the anemones as a defense.

by Oscar Miralpeix
FROGFISH CAMOUFLAGE 3 together, can you see them? (green, yellow and green-brown)

by Oscar Miralpeix
Couple of clownfishes

by Oscar Miralpeix
One of my favourites places in Raja Ampat, Friendly Canyon. Strong current and poor visibility but ... Nikon d70s Nikkor 10,5

by Oscar Miralpeix
Porcelain crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
Flatworm swimming at night

by Oscar Miralpeix
Raja Ampat PARADISE Nikon d70s and Nikkor 10.5

by Oscar Miralpeix
face to face with Porcelain crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
Bargibanti pygmy-seahorse

by Oscar Miralpeix
CORAL BEAUTY orange and blue contrast

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
Rounded face Blenny

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
Nudi portrait

by Tony Cherbas

by Oscar Miralpeix
Longnose shrimp

by Oscar Miralpeix
Manta and pilot fishes

by Oscar Miralpeix
Nightdive in Raja Ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix
Red coral crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
Whip coral shrimp

by Tony Cherbas
Nudi's Inferno

by Eduardo Nadal
cocodrile fish

by Eduardo Nadal
raja ampat

by Eduardo Nadal

by Eduardo Nadal

by Eduardo Nadal
pontohi pigmy seahorse

by Georges Boudron
night flower

by Eduardo Nadal
raja ampat

by Eduardo Nadal
raja ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix
ready to jump

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Eduardo Nadal
raja ampat

by Eduardo Nadal
white tips

by Leena Roy
goby on sponge

by Leena Roy
Under the pier

by Oscar Miralpeix
"Orange" - Sweet home

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Leena Roy
Goby on Mars

by Oscar Miralpeix
coral beauty

by Leena Roy
The Red Daredevil nudi

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Leena Roy
Under the pier, Raja Ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix
black coral spider crab

by Leena Roy

by Leena Roy
Sea fan paradise

by Leena Roy
soft corals

by Leena Roy
White cowrie

by Leena Roy
Tiger cowrie

by Leena Roy
Leaf on water

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
The Awesome kids at Aborek Jetty

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Sweetlips with Glass Fish

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Hairy Squadlobster (or Wally Crab)

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
WhaleShark with Videographer

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Aborek Jetty, Kids posing for the photographer

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Juvenile Batfish

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Double Ended Pipefish

by Oscar Miralpeix
well defended for coral polyps

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Dancer in The Dark

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Pygmy Seahorse

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Whale Shark, Papua

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Longnose Hawkfish with parasites

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Wobegong Shark

by Leena Roy
Raja Ampat

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Porcelain Crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
whip coral shrimp

by Oscar Miralpeix
Frogfish with eggs

by Leena Roy
Under the pier

by Leena Roy
Fluorescent coral

by Leena Roy
Under the pier

by Ellen Cuylaerts
Favorite sight

by Ellen Cuylaerts
'Hanging on'

by Afflitti Gianluca
denise misol

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Papuan Girl Posing under Aborek Jetty

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Persian Rug Flatworm

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Pregnant Hippocampus bargibanti (Pygmy Seahorse)

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Sweetlips up Close

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Candy Crab

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Glas Fish in Sunbeams

by Ellen Cuylaerts
Silver arrows

by Oscar Miralpeix
the end of dive

by Oscar Miralpeix
Whip coral shrimp

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
candy crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
in raja ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
crinoid lobster

by Oscar Miralpeix
moray eel home

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
mimicry, yellow clingfish

by Oscar Miralpeix
wobbegong pilotfishes

by Oscar Miralpeix
soft coral crab with eggs

by Oscar Miralpeix
soft coral crab eating

by Oscar Miralpeix
a pair

by Oscar Miralpeix
feather star surprise

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
hardcoral tubeworms

by Oscar Miralpeix
in raja ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix
another clingfish with a companion.

by Oscar Miralpeix
softcoral crab

by Marchione Giacomo
Acquario Nikon d800E, 16mm Nikon Raja Ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Marchione Giacomo
The face Nikon D800E, 105 macro, twin strobo Raja Ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix
This little guy is biting the soft coral for the strong current. This way is more easy to stay on the same place.

by Oscar Miralpeix
in raja ampat

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Marchione Giacomo
Raja Ampat . Magic reef Nikon D800E, 12/24, two strobo Sugeon fish

by Marchione Giacomo
Porcellain crab Raja Ampat Nikon D800E, 105 macro , twin strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Prospective Nikon D800E, 16mm Nikon, two strobo Raja Ampat

by Marchione Giacomo
Together Raja Ampat Nikon D800E , 12\24mm nikon , two strobo

by Ellen Rierson
Riot of Color - Canon T2i/Nauticam

by Marchione Giacomo
The mouth yellow Nikon D800E , 122\24mm Nikon. Two strobo Raja Ampat

by Marchione Giacomo
Manta point.Raja Ampat Nikon D800E, 12/24mm. Seacam housing, two strobo sea and sea 120YS ISO200;F8;1/80

by Marchione Giacomo
Coral crab . Raja Ampat Nikon D800E, 105 macro , two strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Raja Ampat reef Nikon D800E, 10,5 mm Nikon , two strobo Magic Reef

by Nadya Kulagina
Bad Hair Day

by Marchione Giacomo
Pigmy sea horse Yellow. Raja Ampat Nikon D800E, 60 macro Seacam housing , two strobo sea and sea 120YS ISO100;F18;1/160

by Massimo Giorgetta
the group - platax

by Morgan Ashton
Soft Coral in Raja Ampat

by Massimo Giorgetta
bargibanti portrait

by Massimo Giorgetta
Ponthoi sea horse

by Leena Roy
cuttlefish in mangroves

by Tracey Jennings
Manta approaching

by Tracey Jennings
Awed by a manta

by Nadya Kulagina

by Marchione Giacomo
Porcelain Nikon d800E, 105 macro , two strobo Raja Ampat

by Marchione Giacomo
Mangroves Nikon D800E, 16mm Nikon, two strobo sea and sea 120 YS Raja Ampat

by Reyner Onggara
Happy Holiday!! Raja Ampat, Indonesia Nikon D800 + Nauticam NA-D800 Nikon 105mm micro VR + Nauticam SMC 2 Inon Z-240 F/13, 1/100sec ISO 160

by Massimo Giorgetta
portrait of epaulette shark

by Leena Roy
Running man. Sea star abstract

by Leena Roy
Raja Ampat reefscape

by John Parker
Lionfish with reef reflections

by John Parker
Colourful Cowrie

by John Parker
Mangrove reflections Raja Ampat

by John Parker
Black white and red

by John Parker
Sunset in Raja Ampat

by Wawan Mangile
Choromodoris Annae stand up close to the lens

by Melriansyah Df
Lauriea Siagiani in Raja Ampat

by Jeff Lafrenz
I didn't do it, I've been framed... This cute little pygmy seahorse was doing their usual trick of turning his back and looking away. However, a lot of patience finally paid off with him framed in an opening in the fan.

by Jeff Lafrenz
Hide and seek. Two inquisitive anemone fish peeking out to see if I was still watching.

by Jeff Lafrenz
Hide! The "gang" is on the prowl looking for a quick snack!!!

by Jeff Lafrenz
Best buddies. Green Moray and Cleaner Shrimp hanging out in their cave.

by Jeff Lafrenz
Clownfish and Manta. Found a cleaning station and set up the shot and then waited for a manta to swim by. Patience pays off!

by Louisa Lam

by Jeff Lafrenz
Two lanes, no waiting... This new cleaning station approach promises reduced wait times for fish on the go...

by Brooke Sippel
"Field of Stars" Taken of an anemone in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

by Samantha Buonvino
Pregnant denis pygmy seahorse...and utter elegance

by Katy Foster
This epaulette shark was photographed in a remote area of Raja Ampat in West Papua, Indonesia. This shark was found swimming in the shallows at night in a bay used as a nursery for epaulette sharks and black tip reef sharks.

by Tracey Jennings
Michael and the Jacks

by Tracey Jennings
Puff adder shy shark

by Tracey Jennings
Sunset underwater

by Tracey Jennings

by Cary Bao

by Morgan Ashton
Raja Ampat Stonefish

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton
Mouthful. Raja Ampat.

by Cary Bao
Diver at Mangrove

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton
Back to the Boat

by Cary Bao

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton

by Filip Staes
View over the island and housereef of Pulau pef. Raja Ampat,Indonesia.

by Morgan Ashton
Coconut Crab on Defense

by Cary Bao
The Garden of Eden

by Morgan Ashton
Wobbegong Wedged in Coral

by Morgan Ashton
Night Dive

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton
Arborek Old Jetty

by Morgan Ashton
A Tree Grows in West Papua

by Cary Bao
Underwater Photographer

by Filip Staes
Thecacera picta, Raja Ampat, Indonesia

by Morgan Ashton
Fast Food

by Filip Staes
Woobegong shark surrounded bij Glassfish, Raja Ampat, West Papua.

by Morgan Ashton

by Philipp Becker
Juvenile batfhish in shallow water during surface break at Yembraimuk (Raja Ampat)

by Philipp Becker
Reef scape shooted at Yembraimuk (Raja Ampat) with G16

by Filip Staes
"The grass is always greener on the other side", Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Flabellina exoptata, Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Soft Coral Crab (Hoplophrys oatesii), Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Yellow-tipped Phyllodesmium, Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Anemone shrimp (Periclemenes brevicarpalis) Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Flabellina exoptata, Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
"I've got my eye on you", striped triplefin(Helcogramma striata), Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
A pair of Eggshell shrimps or Coral commensal shrimps(Hamopontonia corallicola), Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Periclemenes shrimps,Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
"Looking at the stars", Sea star guard (Ecsenius axelrodi), Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Halgerda batangas, Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

by Filip Staes
Wobbegong shark, double exposure, Raja Ampat.

by Joe Graham
Pontohi Pygmy Seahorse trying to hide. But we found you!

by Joe Graham
Jetty bathed in the early Morning Sun! Raja Ampat Dive Resort

by Joe Graham
Close up of a Pontohi Pygmy Seahorse hiding in the dark.

by Morgan Ashton
Coral Trout. Raja Ampat.

by Pierre Mineau
What I liked about the shot was the complex and pleasing background of soft coral. I was thrilled when Ms. Titan swam over it.

by Filip Staes
Flabellina exoptata, Raja4divers, Raja Ampat.

by Yuping Chen
Little Red/Goby?/Raja Ampat, Indonesia/Canon 5D MarkIII, 100mm macro Lens,Nauticam SMC,Sea&Sea housing,Inon Z240*2, F11,1/125,ISO100

by Filip Staes
Tosa commensal shrimp (Periclimenes tosaensis) Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Phidiana indica, Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Flabellina exoptata, Raja Ampat.

by Manbd Uidive

by Manbd Uidive
FLYING CARPET Raja Ampat - Grand Komodo

by Macro Wu
Light of the life.

by Manbd Uidive
VIKING Raja Ampat - Grand Komodo

by Filip Staes
Many-host goby (Pleurosicya mossambica) with eggs,housereef Raja4divers, Raja Ampat.

by Filip Staes
Tomato Anemonefish (Amphiprion frenatus)

by Manbd Uidive
TODD Grand Komodo - Raja Ampat

by Rudy Janssen

by Rudy Janssen

by Pierre Mineau
Ms. Titan

by Pierre Mineau
Nudi (Chromodoris bullocki) on the move.

by Filip Staes
Phyllodesmium longicirrum, Pulau pef hosereef, Raja Ampat.

by Ipah Uid
illusion of a turtles eye

by Ag Hu
soft coral under jetty

by Ag Hu
snake cross sea fan

by Qunyi Zhang
This picture is taken at Mangrove diving site in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Natural light.

by Pietro Cremone
Surgeonfish school

by Wawan Mangile
Healthy Coral Reef north of Raja Ampat, Indonesia

by Wawan Mangile
Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse

by Wawan Mangile
Green Sea Turtle

by Wawan Mangile
Clown FIsh

by Filip Staes
Thecacera picta

by Marchione Giacomo
Candy crab on soft coral Raja Ampat with daniele Daniele Daniele and Agusta resort Nikon D800E , 105 macro , two strobo sea and sea 120YS ISO200 , f 25 , 1/125

by Roine Gabrielsson
Blue Marlin at Misool, Raja Ampat.

by Wawan Mangile
Snorkling with Sea Turtle

by Wawan Mangile

by Stefaan Haegeman
Resting turtle under a table coral.

by Stefaan Haegeman
Rhinophia vs his meal. Only 2 people in the world know if he has eaten or not...

by Filip Staes
Cardinal fish with parasite, Raja Ampat, Indonesia.

by Filip Staes
Mangrove,Raja Ampat,West-Papua, Indonesia

by Wawan Mangile
Pygmy Seahorse

by Wawan Mangile
Schooling Bluestripe Snapper

by Wawan Mangile
Traffic Buestripe Fish, Raja Ampat

by Suzan Meldonian
Dendronephthya soft corals adorn the mangrove roots somewhere in Raja Ampat, Indonesia

by Suzan Meldonian
Golden-lined spinefoot, The golden-lined spinefoot is a species of rabbitfish. Like all rabbitfishes, it has venomous spines on the dorsal,

by Suzan Meldonian
Larval fireworm

by Suzan Meldonian
Life under the Sawandarek Jetty

by Wawan Mangile
Wobbegong Shark "Sleep Tight"

by Wawan Mangile
Healthy Marine Ecosystem

by James Deverich
Like a hurricane

by Pec Indman
taken while on liveaboard in Raja Ampat

by Massimo Giorgetta
Sweetlips in Raja ampat

by Phil Bear
pair of saddled butterflyfish in Raja Ampat. I followed them for a while snapping shots and finally got this perfect pose of the two of them!

by Massimo Giorgetta
Clown fish & anemone

by Phil Bear
Wobbegong shark in a coral bowl, Raja Ampat

by Roberto Micucci
Barramundi Cod
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