Latest Contest entries
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted 13:03 CST Today (10 hours ago)
Moray Eel showing he s not a fan of photographers. Taken on the big island of Hawaii at Kahaluu bay. Canon G7X3
By Steve Dolan
posted 09:15 CST Today (14 hours ago)
Moray Eel showing he s not to fond of photographers. Image taken on Kona  Hawaii in Kahaluu Bay. Canon G7X3
By Steve Dolan
posted 09:11 CST Today (14 hours ago)
Nurse shark and sun  gardens of the queen  cuba
By Noel Lopez
posted 03:48 CST Today (20 hours ago)
Zenopontonia Rex 
By Didier Pasquini
posted Yesterday
Logger head turtle mating Cuba  gardens of the queen
By Noel Lopez
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Panglao Island

Underwater Photo Location: Panglao Island

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Facts about Panglao Island

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
War Paint

by James Emery
Jellyfish and Sardines

by James Emery
Sardine Run in the Philippines surround diver. Natural light

by Philippe Gerber
Nice white frogfish in Philippines

by Alex Permiakov
Swimming frog fish.

by Alex Permiakov
Porcelain crab posing on anemone

by Alex Permiakov
Yellow crinoid shrimp.

by Alex Permiakov
Nembrotha Chamberlaini

by Alex Permiakov
Crinoid shrimp

by Alex Permiakov
Green sea turtle and sun ball

by Alex Permiakov
Juvenile emperor angel fish

by Alex Permiakov
School of sardines in close up.

by Alex Permiakov
Reefscape of Pungtod divesite.

by Annabel Almagro
Whip coral shrimp, taken in PPB dive site, Panglao, Bohol, Philippines.
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