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Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday

Underwater Photo Location: Cabo San Lucas

Underwater Photo Location: Cabo San Lucas

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Shark snorkelling off the coast of Cabo San Lucas. Amazing interaction with a Smooth Hammerhead for me personally. But also Mako Sharks, Blue Sharks and Silky's are frequent visitors to the area
Facts about Cabo San Lucas
Dive types

Marine Life

by Sean Chinn
Hammertime. Smooth Hammerhead in Cabo San Lucas

by Yuping Chen
Blue Shark/ San Jose Lucas, Mexico/Canon 5D MarkIII, 16-35mm lens,F5.6,1/200,ISO400

by Romain Barats
The eye of a legend. mako shark

by Romain Barats
A mako shark (over/under)

by Romain Barats
A mako shark with its copper tone

by Nick Polanszky
Blue Shark getting up close and personal

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark, Cabo San Lucas México

by Nick Polanszky
Blue Shark coming in for a closer inspection in-between chewing down meals

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark in surface, Cabo San Lucas México

by Alejandro Topete
Blue is Blue, Cabo San Lucas México

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark with pilots, Cabo San Lucas México

by Alejandro Topete
Blue shark with Reflex, Cabo San Lucas México

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark and surface, Cabo San Lucas México

by John Borys
Sunset on the Sea of Cortez and this Humpback just kept breaching and breaching until we lost sight of her.

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark and Diver, Cabo San Lucas Mexico

by Laurie Slawson
Guitarfish/Photographed with a Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye lens at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

by Laurie Slawson
Sun Rays/Photographed with a Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye lens in the Corridor at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.

by Laurie Slawson
The Corridor at Cabo San Lucas/Photographed with a Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye lens

by Laurie Slawson
Felimare californiensis/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

by Laurie Slawson
Stingray Eye/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

by Laurie Slawson
School of Moorish Idols/Photographed at Cabo San Lucas and converted to black-and-white in Lightroom

by Laurie Slawson
Twirling Moorish Idols/Color converted to black-and-white, twirling added, and inverted. Photographed at Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

by Laurie Slawson
Twirling Moorish Idols/Inverted and twirling added to photograph that also was converted to black-and-white

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark with 3 pilots fish, Cabo San Lucas México

by Laurie Slawson
Too Many Fish in the Sea! (Panamic Porkfish)/Photographed with a Canon 100 mm macro lens at Cabo San Lucas and converted to black-and-white

by Alejandro Topete
Blue Shark with Pilots, Cabo San Lucas México

by Ignacio Mella
It was the second day of rocking in the boat for hours…the second day of waves crashing and wind bursting. The red soup of the chum filled the water as the current carried it away in hopes that the sharks will answer the call. All of a sudden, Evans

by Sander Rietmeijer
Mako Shark black/White

by Sander Rietmeijer
Majestic Blue Shark in the late afternoon.

by Sander Rietmeijer
Blue Sharks are so majestic and beautiful, I love them!

by Sander Rietmeijer
The beautiful skin from a Blue Shark

by Sander Rietmeijer
Majestic Blue Shark

by Sander Rietmeijer
Short vin Mako Shark at Baja California

by Pieter Firlefyn
Pelican in composition

by Pieter Firlefyn
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