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The Mediterranean Cardinal fish carrying his eggs on his mounth.
By Ilker Devrim
posted 12:54 CST Today (within the last hour)
Bavosa Cervina  Parablennius incognitus _Oct 2023
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 02:07 CST Today (10 hours ago)
We often don t see them  but a thousand eyes watch us while we swim or dive with our sophisticated equipment that makes lots of bubbles. Like this friendly hermit crab which I found on a rock a few meters deep.
 Canon EF100  1/200  f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Phyllidiopsis xishaensis nudibranch. I used macro lens Canon EF 100 mm with a diopter by using a wide aperture to get a shallow depth of field_April 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Prohl dka zubu
By Radim Fort
posted (2 days ago)
Chromodoris annae
By William Goers Jr
posted (5 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Bunakan - Manado

Underwater Photo Location: Bunakan - Manado

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December 2003, just before Christmas , visited Manado- Indonesia the 2nd time with a group of 10 . Weather was bad, it was wet almost all day, no sun at all, just feel cold and dont like diving.

LUckily , i try not to miss any dive including one of the wall dive ..... water condition was bad, i cant see far, suddenly, an ugly big head fish (?) without body come toward me, i am fighten as i am unable to confirm what is that , i keep on point toward the direction and do not go near, immediately, my instructor -JACK fry there...... but this big ugly thing dont like him and other memeber therefore turn away. Insturctor JACK was unable to go after him and turn back and talk to me very loud (this is the first time after 90 dive that some one talk to me in the water ) and say SUN FISH , he also use his finger to write on his hand SUN and he jsut look crazy. By then, i known i had see SUN FISH ( MOLAMOLA) with my own eyes.

After the dive, a check with the dive master who had dive 1500 times in the same dive site, he confirm that this was his 2nd time see the sun fish and a much bigger one.

Jack was much more than happy as he had traveled to Bali-Indonesia to see Sun Fish, but with no result. But this dive he see it with a group of 10, all group member witness it but none of us taken the pictures .
Facts about Bunakan - Manado
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

by Doug Anderson
Nudibranch, Bunaken

by Nazir Amin
Eperiment this kind of shooting. Agree is not easy to implement the technique

by Nazir Amin
Nebrotha Kubaryana + Potrait

by Tunc Yavuzdogan

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Don't come closer !!

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Eye of the dragon

by Marchione Giacomo
Boxer crab with eggs Nikon D100 , Nikon 105 macro, two strobo Silacel - Manado

by Marco Caraceni

by Marco Caraceni

by Fabrizio Pompilio
night dive manado -- canon 400 d +ys 110 + nikonos sb 105

by Marchione Giacomo
Arlequin shrimp ,the King Manado 2008. Nikon D200, 105 micro, two strobo

by Marco Caraceni

by Marco Caraceni

by Marco Caraceni

by Marco Caraceni

by Heru Suryoko
watercolor nemo

by Richard Witmer
Taken at Lumbalumba house reef, Manado. Canon G9/Ikelite DS160. Cropped.

by Michel De Ruyck
is this a red ghost pipefish or what!!

by Michel De Ruyck
Thorny Seahorse portret

by Andrea Severino
it almost seemed a sponge... it is not

by Marchione Giacomo
Blu ring new species Nikon D200, 60 micro,twin strobo Manado

by Miguel Cortes

by Marchione Giacomo
Blu ring new species. Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Manado, Popo site

by Debi Henshaw
"Mirage" Night Dive Squid No cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"The Mating Game" I followed these amorous cuttlefish hoping they would mate - shame I had my 60mm and +2 diopter on at the time! No Cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Harly" we were lucky to find 5 different pairs of Harlequins on our recent trip and I've never seen this coloration before. Found on the muck side of Manado. No cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Roar" Lovely pink Hyppselodoris Bollockii. No Cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
Emperor Shrimp sitting on an egg cowry which has given such a great background. Uncropped :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Triple Decker" Not one but 3 Shaggy Frogfish stacked on top of each other. This group were part of a group of 7 in one spot - definately some interbreeding going on :o) No Cropping

by Debi Henshaw
"Blue Ring" 60mm +2 diopter no cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Damsel in Distress" yet another clownfish with a parasite in its mouth, I think 90% of them I saw on the last trip had this parasite which is very worrying. :o)

by Morgan Ashton
Napoleon Snake Eel off the coast near the Megamall in Manado. This fellow just would not budge. Taken with a Sea and Sea DX-1G.

by Debi Henshaw
"Out of the Darkness" at least I didn't have to contend with Box Jellyfish to get this shot :o)

by Debi Henshaw
Taylors Eel - also known as Leopard Eel. 60mm + 2 diopter. No cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Bright Eyes" Close up of a White eyed Moray No Cropping :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Oooh where did you come from?"

by Debi Henshaw
"Flying Tiger" This little fella was not staying put so caught him in flight! (Where's the box jellyfish juice when you need it!) :o)

by Marchione Giacomo
Model Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Manado 2008

by Debi Henshaw
"Egg Cargo" Banded Pipefish carrying his precious cargo of eggs :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Life on a Feather" No Cropping :o)

by Marchione Giacomo
Tiny shell in Manado popo site Nikon D200 , 105 micro, twin strobo

by Debi Henshaw
"Oi - watch where you put your foot mate" Shaggy Frogfish being trodden on by another Shaggy. This is the spot we had seven frogfish! :o)))))>

by Marco Astan
I found this Shrimp at Bunaken-Manado in Indonesia. I used Olympus SP-350 + Ikelite DS-125

by David Henshaw
Portrait study of Harlequin Shrimp. Taken with D200 and 60mm lens + 2T diopter.

by Larry Polster
Halgerda carlsoni, D300-60mm

by Debi Henshaw
Just let me rest my weary head here :o) D200 60mm Twin Inon Z240's

by Larry Polster
"Comet" this rarely seen fish is unique with the white ringed black spot on dorsal fin. Solitary and cryptic, they hide in crevices on outer reefs. This one shot out of his hiding place and I only got part of him in the frame before he vanished

by David Henshaw
Halimeda Crab in Manado. Taken with D200 and 60mm lens +4T diopter.

by David Henshaw
Portrait of a Striated Frogfish in Manado (with Playboy badge!)

by Mark Thomas
Ring-eye Hawkfish. Bunaken, Dec 2007. D200 60mm.

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
I pissed off my U.W. Model , she told me to "F.O." Never work with your wife :)

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Found this lonely Crab driffting on a big piece of driftwood ,it decided to attack me while trying to take his picture , :)

by Tunc Yavuzdogan

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Reach out for the fishes....

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Cuttlefish :)

by Paul Duxfield
Had an SLR with a macro lens in housing, Canon 7D 100mm Macro Ikelite. As I popped up at 50bar(ish) was rewarded with this scene on the shore straight out of the pages of Nat Geo, couldn't believe my luck.

by Christine Hamilton
Diver on the Reef

by Christine Hamilton
New Life II

by Paolo Rossi
Antennarius maculatus - Clown frog fish Nice environment for a classic macro subject

by Eugene Lim
Hermit Crab - Manado, Indonesia

by Irwin Ang
Sponge and Diver Canon Powershot S100 Fisheye Fix S100 Housing Fisheye UWL-04 Wide Angle Lens 2x Sea&Sea YS110a Strobe

by Irwin Ang
Table Coral Canon Powershot S100 Fisheye Fix S100 Housing Fisheye UWL-04 Wide Angle Lens 2x Sea&Sea YS110a Strobe

by Irwin Ang
Yellow Butterflyfish Canon Powershot S100 Fisheye Fix S100 Housing Fisheye UWL-04 Wide Angle 2x Sea&Sea YS110a Strobe

by Irwin Ang
Sponge Canon Powershot S100 Fisheye Fix S100 Housing Fisheye UWL-04 Wide Angle 2x Sea&Sea YS110a Strobe

by Jonathan Sala
nemo... always the best subject,,,

by Andrew Falconer
I saw this turtle, and was able to get close enough with my Olympus tough camera and take this shot of his head as he looked Up from eating a meal of a soft coral.

by Jonathan Sala
Helgarda Batagans

by Alex Varani
Sunset from Cocotinos pier

by Wijnand Plekker
Grim reaper

by Volker Lonz
Ambon Scorpionfish

by Volker Lonz
Turtle watching the reef

by Volker Lonz
Goby and shrimps

by Benita Vincent
Anemone crab, Bunaken Island Indonesia

by Mathias Weck
Sea turtle near Bunaken Island

by Mathias Weck
Tropical rain at Bunaken Island

by Robby Quento
Blue Ring Octopus

by Filip Staes
Diver at the drop off, Bunaken, Sulawesi.

by Filip Staes
At the drop off, Bunaken, Sulawesi.

by Raoul Caprez
On the move

by William Goers Jr
Nembrotha cristata
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