Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: La Montagna di Scilla

Underwater Photo Location: La Montagna di Scilla

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
One of the best dive in Mediterranean Sea (like said J. Cousteau)
Facts about La Montagna di Scilla
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Vittorio Durante
Mullus Surmuletus

by Francesco Pacienza
Scorpena scrofa. Taken with Nikon D60 in Easydive housing. 18-55 Nikkor VR; Nikon SB105 and Sea&Sea YS300 strobes.

by Francesco Pacienza
Red polyps. Taken with Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55VR in Easydive Leo Housing. One strobe Nikon SB105; Manual mode.

by Francesco Pacienza
Cerianhus with gorgonian bicolors. Taken with Nikon P7000 in Easysnap Housing by Easydive. With 12mm fish-eye dome, two strobes Nikonos SB-105 with optical fiber. Manual mode settings.

by Francesco Pacienza
Gorgonian bicolors with fish. Taken with Nikon Coolpix P7000 in Easydive Easysnap Housing. Two strobes Nikonos SB-105 with optical fiber cable. Manual mode settings, non TTL.

by Francesco Pacienza
Thalassoma pavo, male. Taken with Nikon D90 and Nikkor 60mm Micro. One strobe Nikonos SB-105, manual setting. Easydive Leo housing.

by Francesco Pacienza
Hypselodoris picta. Taken with Nikon D90 with Nikkor 60mm Micro in Easydive Leo II Housing. Onte strobe Nikonos SB-105 with snoot. Manual setting.

by Francesco Pacienza
Flame on the deep. Cratena peregrina photographed with Nikon D90, Nikkor 60mm Micro in Easydive Housing. One strobe Nikonos SB105 with snoot; manual settings.

by Francesco Pacienza
Janolus cristatus, details.

by Francesco Pacienza
Mermaid in Scilla. Above&Below

by Francesco Pacienza
He says "Hallo".

by Francesco Pacienza
Yellow coral (Leptosammia pruvoti) with HDR processing

by Francesco Pacienza
Flabellina with eggs inside the body.

by Francesco Pacienza
Jellyfish Noctiluca pelagia

by Francesco Pacienza
Double exposure. Big cerianthus.

by Francesco Pacienza
The event of sexual reproduction of two Leptosammia pruvoti. The male is moving the sperm in the female to his right.

by Francesco Pacienza
Jellyfish under the Scilla's castle. It's no photoshop manipulated; the sky is really B&W.

by Francesco Pacienza
Nudi under blue sky.

by Francesco Pacienza
B&W jellyfish

by Francesco Pacienza
Reaching the sky

by Francesco Pacienza
Spinning shot. Nikon Coolpix P7000 with Fish-Eye and two Nikonos SB105 strobes. 1/8s f/8 ISO100 + ND Filter. No altering, no photoshop...all done underwater in manual mode settings.

by Francesco Pacienza
Love to love... Hypselodoris tricolor, 1 cm. Light with optical zoom snoot. Nikon Coolpix P7000 with Subsee Lens +10

by Antonio Venturelli
Cerianthus Membranaceus photographed with lens 10-22mm @ 11mm. (wide-angle zoom,1/160,f/8,iso200)

by Antonio Venturelli
coloured gorgonians photographed at diving site named La Montagna di Scilla, Italy. (wide-angle zoom @10mm,1/160,f/8,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
photo taken at La Montagna dive site, Scilla , Italy. (wide angle zoom@11mm,1/160,f/8,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Cerianthus , Messina strait. Canon lens 10-22mm @18 mm

by Antonio Venturelli
Scilla, Italy

by Antonio Venturelli
Cratena Peregrina_ La Montagna_Scilla (Canon macro 60 mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Vibranty coloured nudibranch(Cratena Peregrina)spotted in Scilla- Calabria-Italy (Canon macro 60mm, 1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Pilgrim hervia-La Montagna-Scilla (Canon macro 60 mm,1/200,f/20/iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Pilgrim Hervia ( Cratena Peregrina)- La Montagna-Scilla ( Canon macro 60 mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Cratena peregrina nudibranch_La Montagna_Scilla (Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Gorgonian soft coral shotted in Scilla-Calabria-Italy (Canon zoom 10-22mm@16,1/160,f/9,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
orange nudibranch Cratena peregrina shotted in the Mediterranean sea (Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Cerianthus Membranaceus (Canon zoom 10-22@20,1/125,f/9,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Cratena nudibranch (Canon macro 60mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Cratena nudi (Canon macro60mm,1/200,f/20,iso400)

by Susanna Randazzo
Gorgonians in Scilla_2021 (Canon 14mm,t1/125,f/5.6,iso400)

by Antonio Venturelli
Beautiful Flabellina affinis photographed at "La Montagna of Scilla" dive site,Italy_July 2021 (Canon60,1/200,f22,iso200)

by Antonio Venturelli
Photographing from below can be difficult, but it pays off especially if you can find a nudibranch that's on top of a twig like in this photo of a beautiful Flabellina_Scilla_July 2021 (Canon60,1/200,f22,iso200)
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