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Goniobranchus hintuanensis.The difficulty is to stay lower than it so as not to lose depth of field. As soon as you touch the muddy bottom  a fine dust rises up and everything disappears. But still fun _Jan 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 01:38 CST Today (within the last hour)
Lamprohaminoea ovalis  orginal name Haminoea cyanomarginata  .It is a opisthobranch gastropod mollusc  that is  an alien from the Mediterranean coming from the Red Sea through the Suez Canal_Photo taken in Oct 2023
 CanonEF100 1/200 f10 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, September 19, 2024
A panorama shot taken in Linosa  a small volcanic island south of Sicily
By Andrea Mazzei
posted Yesterday
A panorama shot taken in Linosa  a small volcanic island south of Sicily
By Andrea Mazzei
posted Yesterday
Cratena peregrina_July2024
 CanonEF100  1/200 f20 iso 100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)
Flabellina ischitana_July 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (4 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Roatan

Underwater Photo Location: Roatan

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Excellent dive location, protected marine park.
Facts about Roatan
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Allen Weaver
Shark dive, Roatan Honduras

by Steven Anderson
My friend Doug makes his safety stop off Roatan in 2007.

by Cheri Denn
Taken in Rotan near St. Anthony's Key using an old Nikon N60

by Danielle Stark
friends :)

by Steven Anderson
This closeup image of a Feather Duster was taken while diving off Roatan. Great photo opportunities are a norm on every dive off this beautiful island.

by Cb Merritt
Arrow crab on coral -

by Steven Anderson
This Spotted Moray Eel is sucking in a large amount of water and showing it's teeth. This iamge was taken during my last trip to Roatan. Great diving and lots of cool marine life all over the reefs.

by Matthew Fischbach
Very photogenic Sharpnose Puffer... Roatan, Honduras.

by Matthew Fischbach
Just bubbles...

by Larry Polster
Juvy drum, Roatan, D300-60mm

by Tim Maynard
A picture of the coral experimenting with Nikon 85mm lens on a Fuji S2.

by Terry Stigall
This picture was taken in Roatan. The nudibranch was tucked up on a little ledge under an overhang so the area was tight.

by Terry Stigall
This is a stoplight parrotfish that was cruising by. It is an interesting shot because he is coming out from behind the vegetation and going behind the rock leaving only his eye visible. Sometimes, timing is everything.

by Terry Stigall
Just trying to blend in.

by Terry Stigall
A little something in black and white.

by Steven Anderson
This image was taken during a trip to Roatan - Lots of cool stuff took photograph. This image was of a Shy Feather Duster was taken after returning to shallow water off one of the many beautiful wall dives we did.

by Marc Herpers
Off coast Roatan i shortly pointed my camera back and captured this shot of our descending diveinstructor

by Rick Tegeler
Tubastrae... night blooming coral.

by David Gilchrist
Coral & Diver, SeaLife DC 1400 camera, Roatan, West End Marine Park

by Tina Norris

by Tina Norris

by Tina Norris
Sea Fan

by Tina Norris

by Tina Norris

by Tina Norris

by Roberta Lindberg
Goldentail moray eel

by Ximena Olds
Mr Bud Wreck on a pretty day.

by Ximena Olds
Petalifera ramosa. Invisible to your eyes and hard to find. Its clear against white sand. I only saw it because a fish was trying to eat and spit it out. The Petalifera got away and I was lucky to be there.

by Ximena Olds
Black Hamlets Mating dance

by Ximena Olds
Yellow head Jawfish with Eggs. Roatan-Honduras

by Eric Addicott
Hawksbill turtle, Roatan, Canon S95

by Eric Addicott
Nassau Grouper, Roatan, Honduras, Canon S95

by Tina Norris
Silvers and Blues

by Tina Norris
After just getting certified, one of my first dives was with these beautiful sharks. It was an amazing experience, especially for a new diver.

by Julio Sanjuan
Turtle and coral

by Eric Addicott
Reef Squid

by Eric Addicott
Just breathin'

by Chris Miskavitch
Dolphin Drive-by

by David Gilchrist
Rock Beauty peeks out from beneath coral.

by David Gilchrist
Sharpnose Puffer(Canthigaster rostrata)

by Tammi Johnston
Flamingo Snail in Roatan Honduras taken with a Canon wide angle lens in ikelite housing with a video light.

by Tammi Johnston
Wreck in Roatan Honduras

by Tammi Johnston
Moray Eel off of Roatan Honduras
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