Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Kenting

Underwater Photo Location: Kenting

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Taiwan nice dive site : Kenting,Green Island, Lanyu
Facts about Kenting
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Allen Lee
Leaf Scorpion fish.Nikon F100,60mm,f27,1/125,RVP 100.

by Harry Yang
Casio ex-z1000

by Harry Yang
2009/10/17 Night diving in Kenting,TAIWAN.. Casio ez-x1000

by Harry Yang
Spanish dance & shrimp 2009/10/17 ,Kenting,TAIWAN.. Casio EX-Z1000...

by Harry Yang
Spanish dance & shrimp...2009/10/17 Night Diving in Kenting,TAIWAN. Casio EX-Z1000

by Allen Lee
Spanish dancer & Emperor shrimp.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Flying dancer.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Nudibranch.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Tube anemone.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
eel.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Red-spotted Crab.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/125,YS-120,RVP 100

by Allen Lee
Couple Nudies.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/250,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Emperor Shrimp.Nikon F100,60mm,f16,1/250,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Golden Sergeant.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/90,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Hinge-Beak Shrimp.Nikon F100,60mm,f11,1/90,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Saddled Toby.Nikon F100,60mm,f8,1/180,YS-120,RVP100.

by Harry Yang
Spanish dance & shrimp...Night Diving in Kenting,TAIWAN. Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
2010/ 2/17 Night diving in Kenting.. CASIO EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
2010/ 3/21 Kenting , TAIWAN... Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Goby egg`s by Casio EX-Z1000 ,Kenting,TAIWAN.

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Casio Ex-Z1000

by Harry Yang
2010/4/03 Night Dive in Kenting,TAIWAN.. Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
2010/4/03~Kenting,TAIWAN~ Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
2010/4/03~Kenting,TAIWAN~ Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Doryrhamphus excisus 2010/ 4/17 Kenting,TAIWEN Casio EX-Z1000

by Harry Yang
Bobtail Squid~ Casio EX-Z1000

by Allen Lee
Black Boxfish.Nikon F100,f22,1/60,YS-120,RVP100.

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Allen Lee
Long-snout pipefish.Nikon F100,105mm,f5.6.1/60,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Flying gurnard.Nikon F100,105mm,f16,1/60,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Weedy Scorpionfish.Nikon F100,105mm,f13,1/60,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Nudi with eggs.Nikon F100,105mm,f13,1/60,YS-120,RVP100.

by Harry Yang
2010/ 6/26 Night Diving~

by Harry Yang
Casio EX-Z1000

by Allen Lee
Cute filefish.Nikon F100,105mm,f11,1/60,YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Thorny sea horse.Nikon F100,f13,1/60.YS-120,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Blenny.Nikon F100,60mm,f22,1/125,YS-120*2,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Cute Blenny.

by Allen Lee
Bobtail Squid.Nikon F100,60mm,f27,1/125,Inon Z-240,RVP100.

by Allen Lee
Warty Frogfish.Nikon F100,60mm,f27,1/180,YS-120&Z-240,RDP3.

by Allen Lee
Rhinopias.Nikon F100,60mm,f27,1/180,YS-120&Z-240,RDP3.

by Allen Lee
Soft Coral Crab.Nikon F100,60mm,f27,1/125,YS-120,RDP3.

by Allen Lee
Curious Blenny.Nikon D80,60mm,f29,1/100,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
Leaf Scorpionfish.Nikon D80,60mm,f29,1/200,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
Curious Blenny.Nikon D80,60mm,f29,1/100,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
I love Blenny.Nikon D80,105VR,f10.1/100,YS-120*2.

by Marco Chang
pygmy seahorse

by Allen Lee
Smiling Blenny.Nikon D80,f11,1/100,YS-120*2.

by Allen Lee

by Allen Lee
Pink Lady.Nikon D80,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
Ghost Shrimp.Nikon D80,105mmVR,Ken-Ting,Taiwan.

by Allen Lee
Long-Snout Hawkfish.Nikon D80,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
Juvenile Anemonefish.Nikon D80,105mmVR,f11,1/100,YS-120*2

by Allen Lee
Trumpetfish.Nikon D80,105mmVR,f11,1/125,YS-120*2.

by Allen Lee
Long-snout Pipefish.Nikon D80,105mmVR,f5.6,1/100,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
Conchs.Nikon D80,105mmVR,f16,1/100,YS-120*2.

by Allen Lee
Crinoid Shrimp.Nikon D80,105mmVR,ISO 200,FIT +5 ,f20,1/250,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
Nudi.Nikon D80,105mmVR,ISO100,FIT+5diopter,f16,1/250, YS-120*2

by Allen Lee
I'm looking you. Nikon D80,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
cute Cowfish.Nikon D80,105mmVR,f11,1/125,YS-120*2.

by Allen Lee
Dragon Shrimp. Nikon D80,105mmVR,Anthis housing,f18,1/160,YS-120.

by Allen Lee
I'm cute.Nikon D800,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
Goby.Nikon D80,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
Nudi & Emperor Shrimp.Nikon D80,105mmVR.

by Allen Lee
Dragon Shrimp on the Whip Coral.

by Allen Lee
Nudi by snoot.

by Allen Lee
Black and gold Sapsucking Slug(Cyerce nigricans)

by Allen Lee
Harlequin Crab by snoot.

by Allen Lee
Solar-powered Phyllodesmium.

by Allen Lee
Harlequin Shrimp & Sea Star.

by Allen Lee
Cardinalfish with eggs.

by Jammi Chen
Cyerce nigricans
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