Brilliant dive site, safe for all levels, has a cave going right through the rock. Deep enterance is at 23 meters that comes up to about 16 meters inside the cave, dark for about 40 meters or so and light for the rest, come out at about 10 meters at the shallow end. The cave is about 100 meters or so long with turtles, crayfish, sharks, lots of tropicals, normally houses three to five large black cod. Plenty of soft corals, cowries and nudis and spanish dancers.some very friendly bat fish and blue grouper. Other sites in the vicinity are Murrays Passage, which is great for deep diving and some penatration. The aquariam, which is 8 meters to 17 meters or so that houses schooling fish small tropicals, turtles and sharks and nudis. Great machro site. King wrasse corner, shark gutters, fish and chips are deeper sites, all on the southern, eastern and western side and when the conditions are good, the pinnacle on the northern side is an awesome dive for big fish and sometimes up 70 sharks, great tropicals and brilliant vegetation. I know this sounds a little amazing, coz it is. I have been diving there for about 10 years and it never ceases to amaze me. Green Island has much the same life, depth is about 12 meters to 17 meters, the island houses the red indian fish, anglers, nudis, sharks, turtles, schooling drummer. Black rock, 12 metes to may be 15 meters if you have a shovel, once again plenty of tropicals, turtles, hordes of wrasse and blue angels, butterflies everwhere. Bait reef, 9 to 12 meters and ladys reef, 10 meters, awesome machro.. Temp ranges from normall 22 degrees to 26/28 degrees over summer.
The boys at South West Rock Dive Centre have 3 boats, accomodation, hire gear, guided tours and great diving.
0265 666474
website has all the info.
Facts about fish rock cave, south west rocks
It is in Australia- fish rock cave, south west rocks is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Brian SlaughterGrey Nurse Shark w/ Photographer @ Fish Rock Cave. Southwest Rocks, New South Wales, Australia

Brian SlaughterGrey Nurse Shark

Mark GrayGrey Nurse Sunburst

Mark Gray"The ambush". Hale's Wobbegong setup for an Ambush

Mark Gray"Black, White, and Grey". Grey Nurse Shark from Fish Rock, SW Rocks.

Mark GrayGrey Nurse Shark underbelly

Mark GrayGrey nurse sharks inside the cave a Fish Rock

Mark GrayGrey Nurse with Yellowtail baitfish

Mark GrayI think I counted 16 Grey Nurse shark and a Bull Ray in the shot. Taken inside the cave at Fish Rock

Mark GrayShot taken inside the cave at Fish Rock. Straight from the camera no editing

Mark GrayGrey Nurse sharks at Fish Rock

Mark GrayGrey Nurse with hook in its mouth

Mark GrayGNS at Fish Rock