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sun fish
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted 14:49 CST Today (within the last hour)
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted 14:35 CST Today (within the last hour)
big head
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted 11:16 CST Today (3 hours ago)
Thuridilla hopei. Often mistaken for a nudibranch  it is a sacoglossal opisthobranch without dorsal appendages. It can only be spotted with a keen eye  on the rocky seabed a few meters deep. Rarely exceeds 2cm in length.
 CanonEF100 1/200 f14 i.100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Flabellina ischitana nudibranch_June 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
Pair of Cratena nudibranchs spotted at   La Formica  dive site_Sicily_Sept 2024
 Canon EF100  1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Poor Knights

Underwater Photo Location: Poor Knights

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Beneath the waves at the Poor Knights an ocean of diving has been compressed into a relatively small area. The caves, arches, tunnels and sheer cliffs provide a great variety of habitats to explore.

From turbulent sunlit waters and kelp forests on the upper reaches of the tumbling "giant staircase," to the dark waters of the islands' many caves, the Poor Knights offer an extraordinary variety of underwater experiences. Sponge gardens and gorgonian fields are inhabited by a myriad of fish, shellfish, urchins and anemones, with black coral found in deeper waters.

The steep cliffs, which fringe the islands, plunge 100 metres below sea level in places before reaching a sandy seafloor.

The arches are some of the most interesting places to explore. A rich nutrient soup is washed through them, feeding the countless animals that compete for space on the walls. Squadrons of stingrays can also be found cruising the waters of the archways during warmer months.

Many of the subtropical fishes living in the marine reserve are found nowhere else in New Zealand, having found their way to Poor Knights on the subtropical East Auckland current. Some of the fish include subtropical species such as spotted black groper, mosaic moray and Lord Howe coralfish. They are renowned for their friendly nature and make visiting the marine reserve a truly memorable experience.

Nursery Cove, The Gardens and some of the shallower parts of the South Harbour are the best places for novice divers. Experienced divers can find spectacular and challenging dives all around the islands.
Facts about Poor Knights
  • It is in New Zealand
  • Poor Knights is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Morgan Ashton
Green Mussel stuffed with crab. Tutukaka, NZ.

by Morgan Ashton
Snapper at Tye Dye Arch, Poor Knights Islands

by Pete Devereux
Simple shot of Grey Moray Eel that I had a chat to at the Poor Knights NZ. Nice fella!

by Stefan Follows
Blue Moon ... Moon Jellyfish - Aurelia aurita. Poor Knights, New Zealand. G10-iso100-f4-1/100

by Alexey Zaytsev
Palm trees from seaweed, in cold water.

by Alexey Zaytsev
Jellyfish - zero
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