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quarrel with neighbour
By Arthur Klaphake
posted 12:39 CST Today (within the last hour)
Chromodoris annae_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f16 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Samla bicolor nudibranch_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f22 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (5 days ago)
Nudibranchs Thecacera picta  in the process of copulate
By Oksana Maksymova
posted (last week)
Goniobranchus quadricolor_January 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f11 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Cabilao Island, Bohol

Underwater Photo Location: Cabilao Island, Bohol

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nice wall diving...
Facts about Cabilao Island, Bohol

by Leo Virgo Cabrera
Orange Stripe Goby showing off its beauty...

by Daniel Strub
Diving in the Philippines is about the best you can get :-D

by Mona Dienhart

by Marcello Di Francesco
Magic Moment

by Henry Jager
"Pipefish Portrait"

by Henry Jager
"Leaf fish" Mix of ambient- and backlight

by Henry Jager
Cute Little - Very Hungry- Pygmy Squid

by Henry Jager
part 2: "Cute little - Very Hungry - Pygmy Squid" grabbed a snack while shooting!

by Henry Jager
Bargibanti Pygmy Seahorse

by Henry Jager
"Porcelain Crab"

by Henry Jager
"Dancing on Fire" Spider crab on red coral

by Henry Jager
part 3: "Cute little - Very Hungry - Pygmy Squid" grabbed a snack while shooting!

by Henry Jager
"Nudibranch Portrait"

by Henry Jager
"Reef-Art: Coral Surface"

by Alex Varani
Xenocarcinus tuberculatus

by Alex Varani
Canthigaster papua (detail)

by Henry Jager
Pygmy Squid - Idiosepius pygmaeus

by Henry Jager
"Spider Crab with Eggs"

by Alex Varani
Lauriea siagiani

by Henry Jager
"Spider Crab" decorated its legs..

by Alex Varani
Allogalathea elegans

by Alex Varani
Xenocarcinus tuberculatus

by Alex Varani
Periclemenes sp. on crinoid

by Alex Varani
Chromodoris danae -close up-

by Alex Varani
May I help you?

by Alex Varani
Periclemenes cf. soror on star - close up -

by Alex Varani
Take care of the reef

by Alex Varani
Reefscape in Cabilao

by Alex Varani
Cabilao reefscape

by Raoul Caprez
Commensal shrimp (Perriclimenes sp.)

by Raoul Caprez
Little jewel

by Henry Jager
"Red Gobi on White Coral"

by Raoul Caprez
Hairy little one

by Raoul Caprez
Crinoid friend

by Raoul Caprez

by Raoul Caprez
I lost my razor (orang utan crabe)

by Raoul Caprez
Short stop

by Raoul Caprez
On the bridge !

by Raoul Caprez
Knife family

by Chris Lebas

by Mona Dienhart

by Mona Dienhart

by Daniel Wernli
Not an artistic pic, but a lucky shot: A pink squat lobster right after moulting with his skin (Cabilao, Visayas)

by Margriet Tilstra
Lightning without thunder Nikon D80, Ikelite housing + two strobes (Ikelite DS125 and Sea & Sea YS-60), Lense AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, ISO 100, Aperture f/14, Shutterspeed 1/100

by Daniel Strub
h. denise :-D

by Henley Spiers
Gloriously healthy coral reef off Cabilao island.

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
Night of the Squid

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Lovely Headshield Slug - Chelidonura amoena
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