Situated in the Região dos Lagos, the city is famous among the scuba divers and those who love the sea. White sand beaches and crystal clear waters are an invitation to relax.
Arraial is strategically located near to Cabo Frio and the sophistication of Búzios. All this intense night life is close to the charming comfortable pousadas of Arraial.
Distance (approximately): 180km from Rio de Janeiro. 15min from Cabo Frio and 30min from Búzios.
How to arrive:
Bus: regular lines leave the Terminal Rodoviário Novo Rio (bus station)
Car: use the Via Lagos highway until Cabo Frio, then take the proper exit to Arraial do Cabo.
More than 40 dive points scattered around the small bay formed by the continent and the Cabo Frio Island. The map above indicates just a few of these points.
Depths can vary from 12m to more than 50m in some spots.
During the dives you will be able to observe turtles, moray eels, large schools of fish, sea horses, rays, octopus and much more.
For the experienced diver we offer the chance to explore underwater caves, historical shipwrecks and submersed canyons.
The rocky bottom is covered by rigid and soft corals, sponges of many different shapes and colors.
Making the submarine scenario very special.
Dive Center:
Dive Point Atividades Subaquaticas
click here to email website If you fly into Rio de Janeiro and have a little time, it definitely pays to visit this dive shop before planning your diving in Brazil.
The friendly staff will gladly help you book your trip and can tell you about other great dive destinations in Brazil as well.
Facts about Arraial do Cabo
It is in Brazil- Arraial do Cabo is in the Atlantic (South).
- The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Bernardo MelloThis guy was sleepy or thinking about his life...

Edson AcioliSwimming together. Photo taken with Nikon D90 with 60mm lens and flash two YS-120.

Edson AcioliNikon D90 with 60mm lens and flash two YS-120.

Fabio LudmerIntrepid Turtle

Eduardo ArribadaSpacecraft Passengers.
I was photographing a Moon Jelly when I noticed some small fishes swimming in it. They looked like a spacecraft passengers. Then in the surface interval I changed my wide angle by a macro lens.

Eduardo ArribadaYellow Seahorse

Eduardo ArribadaSwimming into a jellyfish

Eduardo ArribadaSoft Coral

Diogo BenchimolRed anemone with sparkling dust above.