This is arguably the most beautiful collection of reefs in all of Florida! Rather than a single site, Molasses is an extensive reef complex with diving depths from about 10 feet to more than 70. At depths ranging from 10-40 feet, Molasses Reef features high profile spur and groove coral formations. At 40-60 feet down, seaward sand chutes separate a gently sloping hard flat bottom adorned by hard and soft corals, along with a variety of sponges. The "drop-off" begins in the 50-60 foot range, and extends downward at various angles to the 70-100 foot range. Excellent drift diving can be found here. This site houses massive brain coral, star coral, and other large barrier corals. Caves and ledges provide homes for lobsters, crabs, moray eels, parrot fish, angelfish, filefish, turtles, rays, and sometimes nurse sharks. This is probably the most visited site in the Florida Keys and possibly the United States.
Facts about Molassas Reef Key Largo Florida
Steven GollehonQueen angelfish Molassas Reef, Key Largo, Florida. Taken with Sea & Sea DX-2G using Wide Angle wet lens; Aperture priority F11, ISO 100, YS-110a Dual Strobes with diffuser.

Steven AndersonThis image was taken during a dive last weekend at Molasses Reef off Key Largo, Fla. Conditions were the best. This French Angel looks skeptical of the tought of me taking it's photo.

Herbert DuboisHarlequin Bass

Herbert DuboisChristmas Tree Worms - Image Cropped

Stephen HamedlGrouper

Herbert DuboisFrench Angel

Stephen HamedlBanded Butterfly fish

Griff GainnieAn amazing trip to Molasses Reef. Key Largo, Fl