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CREVETTE DE DURBAN   Rhynchocinetes durbanensis
By Didier Pasquini
posted Monday, October 21, 2024
Sperm Whales are incredibly social entities  very tactile in each others presence. taken under permit
By Arun Madisetti
posted Yesterday
Prostheceraeus Giesbrechtii_October 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f13 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (3 days ago)
Found this turtle in marmora ontario
By John Cowey
posted (4 days ago)
Plastic skeleton located in shanty bay ontario canada
By John Cowey
posted (4 days ago)
By John Cowey
posted (4 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Ogden Point

Underwater Photo Location: Ogden Point

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My dive #48 and 49 Aug 6,06. I booked a guided day with Great Ocean Adventures and they did a great job of looking after me in my first dry suit dives. both were Shore entries, the one not listed above Henderson point directly off the beach and Ogden Point off a 1 km breakwater on the south side of Victoria. Water temp 11 C Air temp 22 C at both.

Henderson Point, north up the inlet, had 1 ft brightly coloured sea stars, rockfish,crabs, sole, plain fin midshipman and moon snail egg casing that was 2ft in diameter.Depth 20m 39 minutes

Ogden Point is an interesting entry and exit off the breakwater with the tide trying to rub you on or off. A quick swim through a kelp and bed and we were down drifting along the breakwater and saw a Wolf Eel, Kelp Greenling, Big (2ft) Ling Cods and Orange Cucumbers.
Facts about Ogden Point
  • It is in Canada
  • Ogden Point is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Tiny red sausage jelly, Euphysa sp, Canon G10.

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Hermit crab. Ogden point, BC. Canon Ixy 980.

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Amphipods riding a jelly. Ogden Point, BC. Canon G10 & Inon D2000.

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Orange hermit crab. Ogden Point, BC. Canon Ixus 980.

by Bea & Stef Primatesta
Giant pacific octopus, Enteroctopus dofleini. Race Rock, BC. Canon Ixus 980.

by Chad Tamis
Taken on a night dive on Vancouver Island. This orange-tipped nudibranch (Janolus fuscus) was taken with a super macro converter, nauticam housing, nikon D800 with 105mm lens.

by Luke Gordon
The subject fights back

by Luke Gordon
A Smoothhead Sculpin (Artedius lateralis) rests amongst some kelp in Victoria, BC

by Luke Gordon
Top Snail Isolation. Inward lighting and a perched atop re-growing Bull Kelp.

by Luke Gordon
UFO or Moth crab.....?this little guy was scuttling around the rocks when I managed to catch him, a very interesting little crab.

by Luke Gordon
Playing peek-a-boo with a Mosshead Warbonet (Chirolophis nugator) inside a discarded bottle

by Luke Gordon
A Giant Plumose Anemone (Metridium farcimen) opens up to feed in the currents off the coast of Vancouver Island. Inward lighting technique

by Luke Gordon
A large fish eating anemone extends its tentacles amongst the growing bull kelp

by Luke Gordon
Genie In A Bottle - A Mosshead Warbonet sits inside a discarded bottle displaying his famous 'hair-do'

by Mario Robillard
Tiny little fish face

by Mario Robillard
Not so small Nudi
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