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Flabellina ischitana nudibranch_June 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 00:16 CST Today (9 hours ago)
Pair of Cratena nudibranchs spotted at   La Formica  dive site_Sicily_Sept 2024
 Canon EF100  1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
An underwater jewel
By Didier Pasquini
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid 
Bonfire dive Aguadilla Puerto Rico.
By Magali Marquez
posted (2 days ago)
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted (2 days ago)
By Marc Van Den Broeck
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Canibal Rock, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca

Underwater Photo Location: Canibal Rock, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Excellent macro dive. Rhinopias, nudibranches, pygmee-seahorses, featherstar.
Facts about Canibal Rock, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Canibal Rock, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca is in the Flores Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Photo facilities

by Alex Bonvin
Rhinopias frondosa Canibal Rock, Rinca island, Komodo

by John Roach
Ghost gobie Horseshoe Bay Rinca Island

by John Roach

by John Roach
Shortfin scorpion fish, night dive, torpedo alley, horseshoe bay, Rinca

by John Roach
Facelinidae-Kabira Taken at 70 FSW, Crinoid Wall, Horseshoe Bay, Rinca

by John Roach
Night dive frog fish thanks to the sharp eyes of Ketut!

by John Roach
Wire Coral shrimp Uh oh a burp!

by John Roach
White Eyed Eel

by John Roach
Nudi on a walk about. Horseshoe Bay Rinca /Komodo

by John Roach
Everything I do, you do, Got it?

by John Roach
Clown Blenny in his domain. Ecsenius axelrodi. Horseshoe Bay Rinca Komodo

by John Roach
Chromodorididae Horseshoe Bay Rinca /Komodo

by John Roach
Just another wonderfully colored Nudi. Horseshoe Bay Komodo/Rinca. I could not identify this one.

by John Roach
Magnificent Ceratosoma Chromodorididae

by John Roach
Bruce's Hinge-beak Shrimp

by John Roach
Komodo Dragon, Komodo Island

by John Roach
A pointed conversation. Zebra crab.

by Babula Mikulova
Hallo,where are your parents ?

by Peter Allinson
clowning around

by Peter Allinson
fire urchin shrimp
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