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Gobi portrait_Andamans_April 2024
 CanonEF100 1/200 f11 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 02:25 CST Today (8 hours ago)
The Mediterranean Cardinal fish carrying his eggs on his mounth.
By Ilker Devrim
posted Sunday, September 8, 2024
Bavosa Cervina  Parablennius incognitus _Oct 2023
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
We often don t see them  but a thousand eyes watch us while we swim or dive with our sophisticated equipment that makes lots of bubbles. Like this friendly hermit crab which I found on a rock a few meters deep.
 Canon EF100  1/200  f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Phyllidiopsis xishaensis nudibranch. I used macro lens Canon EF 100 mm with a diopter by using a wide aperture to get a shallow depth of field_April 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Prohl dka zubu
By Radim Fort
posted (3 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: moalboal cebu

Underwater Photo Location: moalboal cebu

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Facts about moalboal cebu
  • It is in Philippines
  • moalboal cebu is in the Philippine Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Fabrizio Pompilio
canon 400 d sea&sea tokina 10-17 lidia

by Jun Lao

by Jun Lao
kiss my tiny arse :D

by Jun Lao
Happy new year Hoplophrys oatesii

by Marcello Di Francesco
Who koncks on the door ?

by Marcello Di Francesco

by Jun Tagama
Frogfish - G12 + UCL165

by Paul Flandinette
I was fascinated with this Stargazer's tongue lure and spent 20 minutes or so with it as it tried to capture passing prey

by Nadya Kulagina

by Fabrizio Pompilio

by Paul Flandinette
What a fasinating nudibranch - It reminds me of a mythical winged horse

by Paul Flandinette
I was really fascinated with this nudi's rudimentary eyes. Tambja morosa

by Paul Flandinette
Now, here's a really strange one! Phillodesmium briareum

by Paul Flandinette
Soft Coral Crab

by Paolo Isgro
pigmy denise

by Paul Flandinette
Tricky to keep steady enough for these types of shots. Xeno shrimp

by Marcello Di Francesco
Blue Froggy

by Alex Varani
Periclemenes imperator (uncropped)

by Raffaele Livornese
phillidya, no crop

by Marcello Di Francesco
Under the sun !!

by Marcello Di Francesco
Pescador Island view

by Raffaele Livornese

by Raoul Caprez
Olé nudi !

by Raoul Caprez

by Raoul Caprez
Just a kiss !

by Raoul Caprez
Apparition throug green leaves

by Raoul Caprez
Diver flying over a plane

by Raoul Caprez
In the hand

by Raoul Caprez
Nembrotha kubaryana

by Raoul Caprez
Red & Blue

by Raoul Caprez
Cliffhanger Nudi

by Marchione Giacomo
Shrimp blu take in front Nikon D200 , 105 micro, Seacam housing, two strobo Moal Boal , Philippines

by Margriet Tilstra
Funny sunny fish Nikon D80, Ikelite housing + two Ikelite strobes (DS161 and DS125), Lense AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, ISO 100, Aperture f/16, Shutterspeed 1/125

by Margriet Tilstra
Belly full of eggs Nikon D80, Ikelite housing + two Ikelite strobes (DS161 and DS125), Lense AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, ISO 100, Aperture f/16, Shutterspeed 1/125

by Margriet Tilstra
Body building Orangutan crab Nikon D80, Ikelite housing + two Ikelite strobes (DS161 and DS125), Lense AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, ISO 100, Aperture f/20, Shutterspeed 1/125

by Margriet Tilstra
Underwater variation on Vincent van Gogh's sunflowers Nikon D80, Ikelite housing + two Ikelite strobes (DS161 and DS125), Lense AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8G IF-ED, ISO 100, Aperture f/14, Shutterspeed 1/125

by Jun Lao
two way traffic

by Raoul Caprez
Yellow submarine

by Rick Cavanaugh
Un-cropped shot of hairy lobster. Nikon D7100 105VR

by Jun V Lao
Light Me Up

by Mathias Weck
Philippines - Cebu - Moalboal - Lion Fish

by Marchione Giacomo
Periclimes imperator on nudibranche Nikon D800E , 105 macro Nikon, two strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Commensal shrimp Nikon D800E,105 macro lens Moal Boal . Philippines

by Fabio Strazzi
Popcorn shrimps

by Marchione Giacomo
Noal Boal Nikon D800E , 105mm two strobo sea and sea 120 YS

by Marchione Giacomo
Sardinas Nikon D800E, 10,5mm no strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Honored meet you Nikon D800E, 105 macro. Two strobo sea and sea 120YS Moal Boal

by Marchione Giacomo
GHOST PIPE Philippine . Moal Boal . Nikon d800E. 105 macro , two strobo

by Louisa Lam
I'm watching you!

by Terri Wu
Attack!! Taken by TG4

by John Parker
File fish in hiding!

by Tracey Jennings

by John Parker
Coral pipefish

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Banded Sea Snake / Yellow-lipped Sea Krait - Laticauda colubrina

by Hansruedi Wuersten
X-mas Feather Duster Worms - Spirobranchus gardineri

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Leopard Seacucumber Cuvierian Threads are released when in danger - Bohadschia argus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Yellow Warty frogfish (Clown frogfish) - Antennarius maculatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Whip Corals - Junceella juncea

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Mantisshrimp at home

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Black Spotted Egg Cowries - Calpurnus verrucosus & Smooth Beak Crinoid Shrimp - Laomenes nudirostris on sea star

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Crocodile snake eel - Brachysomophis crocodilinus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Pinnate Batfish pre-adult - Platax pinnatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Phyllodesmium briareum

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Warty frogfish (Clown frogfish) - Antennarius maculatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Phyllidiella lizae

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Fan Coral - Solenocaulon akalyx

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Chromodoris annae

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Bulb-tentacle Sea Anemone - Entacmaea quadricolor at night

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Giant frogfish - Antennarius commerson

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Day Octopus - Octopus cyanea

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Tomato Anemonefish - Amphiprion frenatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Spiny waspfish

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Map Puffer - Arothron mappa

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Porcelain Crabs on seapen - Lissoporcellana cf nakasonei

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Orangutan Crab - Oncinopus sp1 (former name Achaeus japonicus)

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Spiral Coral - Cirrhipathes spiralis

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Heron Ardeadoris - Ardeadoris egretta

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Marine Life

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Palemargin Grouper - Epinephelus bontoides

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Tasseled Scorpionfish - Scorpaenopsis oxycephala

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Spinecheek anemonefish (Maroon Clownfish) - Premnas biaculeatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Turtel closeup

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Thor amboinensis shrimp

by Jose Maria Abad Ortega
Angel fish
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