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The Mediterranean Cardinal fish carrying his eggs on his mounth.
By Ilker Devrim
posted 12:54 CST Today (within the last hour)
Bavosa Cervina  Parablennius incognitus _Oct 2023
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 02:07 CST Today (10 hours ago)
We often don t see them  but a thousand eyes watch us while we swim or dive with our sophisticated equipment that makes lots of bubbles. Like this friendly hermit crab which I found on a rock a few meters deep.
 Canon EF100  1/200  f14 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Phyllidiopsis xishaensis nudibranch. I used macro lens Canon EF 100 mm with a diopter by using a wide aperture to get a shallow depth of field_April 2024
 Canon EF100 1/200 f8 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Prohl dka zubu
By Radim Fort
posted (2 days ago)
Chromodoris annae
By William Goers Jr
posted (5 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Bannerfish Bay, Dahab

Underwater Photo Location: Bannerfish Bay, Dahab

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
The most overseen dive site in the world.
Prime conditions for macro photography.
Facts about Bannerfish Bay, Dahab
  • It is in Egypt
  • Bannerfish Bay, Dahab is in the Red Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Kjeld Friis
"You shoul see the other guy!" This Lion fish was out to get me, and I just snapped this before I escaped. Note the missing eye and broken horn. Canon EOS 400D with Ikelite housing and DS-51 strobe.

by Kjeld Friis
"What is this?" Guess right, and receive good karma! For right answer, see discussion thread.

by Kjeld Friis
Staring at the Sun!

by Kjeld Friis
Cornet Fish

by Laura Dinraths
Mose's sole close up

by Laura Dinraths
Schooling under a boat

by Laura Dinraths
Close up of a Yellowspotted burrfish inside an amphora @ H2O Divers Dahab

by Laura Dinraths
Thorny seahorse hiding in the seagrass meadow

by Laura Dinraths
Margin glossodoris nudibranch (2 cm long)

by Laura Dinraths

by Laura Dinraths
Octopus eyes

by Laura Dinraths

by Laura Dinraths
Baby lionfish

by Laura Dinraths
Indian seahare in a plastic bottle

by Laura Dinraths
Peppered grey moray out of a hole

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile Lionfish

by Laura Dinraths
Magnificient miamara sitting on a bed of algae

by Laura Dinraths
Anemone partner shrimps

by Laura Dinraths
Bannerfishes and jellyfish

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile Red Sea anemonefish protecting its big anemone

by Laura Dinraths
Yellow frogfish in the seagrass

by Ladislav Nogacek
Angel Fish on trip to South Amerika

by Laura Dinraths
2 peppered morays hiding in coral

by Laura Dinraths
Goby on coral

by Laura Dinraths
White seahorse around some coral

by Laura Dinraths
Margin glossodorid and hydroids

by Laura Dinraths
Shy thorny seahorse in the late afternoon light

by Laura Dinraths
Two ornate ghost pipefish

by Laura Dinraths
Pyjama slug

by Laura Dinraths
Bearded scorpionfish

by Laura Dinraths

by Laura Dinraths
Devil scorpionfishes fighting

by Laura Dinraths
Over under house reef and dive centres

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile common lionfish in double macro

by Laura Dinraths
Pyjama chromodoris nudibranch in double macro lens

by Laura Dinraths
Anemonefish in a fluorescent yellow anemone

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile fish ball

by Laura Dinraths
Thorny seahorse drifting over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Coral reef

by Laura Dinraths
Hawksbill turtle feeding on broccoli coral. The coral is exuding mucus while being eaten by the turtle.

by Laura Dinraths
School of Mojarras fish over a shallow coral reef in the late afternoon light

by Laura Dinraths
Threadfin butterflyfish at the cleaning station

by Laura Dinraths
Thornback trunkfish during a night dive

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile anemonefish in red anemone tentacles

by Jonpaul Hosking
Mating octopus sitting on coral.

by Jonpaul Hosking
Diver swims alongside colourful soft corals.

by Jonpaul Hosking
Turtle eating seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Scribbled leatherjacket (filefish) swimming over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Blue triggerfish picking for food

by Laura Dinraths
A big red octopus hiding underneath some rocks

by Laura Dinraths
A group shot of several grey peppered morays

by Jonpaul Hosking
Turtle looks up from feeding

by Laura Dinraths
Shoal of common bigeyes under a table coral

by Laura Dinraths
A large school of silversides struck by sun rays under the surface

by Laura Dinraths
Egyptian thorny seahorse in seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
A big yellow frogfish on coral reef

by Laura Dinraths
A school of juvenile striped eel catfish licking the camera

by Laura Dinraths
Brown thorny seahorse camouflaged against rocks

by Laura Dinraths
Tube-dwelling anemone (Cerianthus) with mysid shrimps on a seagrass bottom

by Laura Dinraths
Octopus on a rock

by Laura Dinraths
A common lionfish caught in a fishing line (and rescued)

by Laura Dinraths
Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) on a seagrass bed

by Laura Dinraths
Octopus stalked by three lionfish whilst hunting on a bed of seagrass at dusk

by Laura Dinraths
Red Sea anemonefish

by Laura Dinraths
Bulbous hydatina (opistobranch mollusk) on the sand during a night dive

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile giant puffer in seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Stargazer on the sand at night

by Laura Dinraths
Common lionfish on seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
A common sally-light-foot crab (shore-crab, crustacean) at the surface at low tide

by Laura Dinraths
Egyptian thorny seahorse in seagrass, macro lens

by Laura Dinraths
A Red Sea rockskipper blenny at the surface of a rock at low tide

by Laura Dinraths
A tiny scorpionfish with dinner in its mouth, macro lens

by Laura Dinraths
A shy mimic fangblenny (combtooth blenny) inside an empty worm hole

by Laura Dinraths
A school of juvenile reef squids under the surface

by Laura Dinraths
Dusk diving, an octopus's reaction after being repeatedly attacked by a territorial damselfish

by Laura Dinraths
A couple of spotted shrimpfish over seagrass at night

by Laura Dinraths
Whitemargin stargazer buried under sand at night

by Laura Dinraths
Reef octopus cleaning itself with its tentacle like a cat

by Laura Dinraths
Banded sole undulating over seagrass at night

by Laura Dinraths
Banded sole(Soleichthys heterorhinos)undulating over seagrass at night

by Laura Dinraths
Snake blenny out on the sand during daytime

by Laura Dinraths
Diver and friendly male Hawksbill turtle over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Male hawksbill turtle swimming over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Hawksbill turtle swimming over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Male Hawksbill turtle looking for some food inside a car tire

by Laura Dinraths
Chromodoris quadricolor nudibranch

by Laura Dinraths
Coconut octopus (Amphioctopus marginatus) - I was not aware it was present in the Red Sea, and haven’t found documentation on its possible incursion there. I found a couple of them in the sand.

by Laura Dinraths
Four adult striped eel catfish hunting together on sand at night

by Laura Dinraths
Red thorny seahorse in a sea of seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Red thorny seahorse in green seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Margin glossodoris nudibranch, macro lens

by Laura Dinraths
Emperor shrimp feeding in the sand on the side of a black sea cucumber

by Laura Dinraths
Black-margin glossodoris (Glossodoris atromarginata) on rubble

by Laura Dinraths
Saron marmoratus shrimp

by Laura Dinraths
Swimming anemone (Boloceroides mcmurrichii) on seagrass leaf

by Laura Dinraths
Swimming anemone (Boloceroides mcmurrichii) on seagrass leaf tip

by Emma Davis

by Laura Dinraths
Imperial shrimp on prickled sea cucumber

by Laura Dinraths
Melibe engeli nudibranch at night

by Laura Dinraths
Whip coral gobies and eggs

by Laura Dinraths
Cassiopea andromeda upside-down jellyfish

by Laura Dinraths
Pharaoh cuttlefish hovering over algae and seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Algae bloom

by Laura Dinraths
Buried veined/coconut octopus in the sand at night

by Laura Dinraths
Unidentified flatworm on seagrass leaf tip

by Laura Dinraths
Cute seamoth camouflaged against sand

by Laura Dinraths
Dark-lined fireworm on sand

by Laura Dinraths
Heavy bonnet helmet shell (mollusk, Casmaria ponderosa)

by Laura Dinraths
Mating boxing crabs

by Laura Dinraths
Comb jelly drifting with current near the surface

by Laura Dinraths
Comb jelly - psychedelic

by Laura Dinraths
Freckled hawkfish on acropora coral

by Laura Dinraths
Reef hermit crab at night

by Laura Dinraths
Squat cleaner shrimp on tube anemone

by Laura Dinraths
Juvenile starry/giant puffer fish (2-3 cm)

by Laura Dinraths
Lemon pleurobranch (Berthellina citrina) on sand

by Laura Dinraths
Thorny seahorse in seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Thorny golden seahorse

by Laura Dinraths
Mouthbrooding tiger cardinalfish

by Laura Dinraths
Napoleon wrasse over seagrass

by Laura Dinraths
Fish frenzy of damselfish, butterflyfish and bannerfish

by Laura Dinraths
Tailspot goby sifting sand through gillrakers to feed

by Laura Dinraths
Textile cone shell on the hunt at night

by Alexandra Caine
Turtle with two remoras in the seagrass. Bannerfish Bay, Dahab CanonS120, Canon housing, Inon UWL_H100,

by Alexandra Caine
Black Seahorse found in Bannerfish Bay, Dahab.

by Alexandra Caine
Red Sea Anemone Fish guarding its eggs. Taken with G7X MkII, Fantasea Housing, 2x Inon S2000

by Alexandra Caine
Convex reef crab (?) F10, SS 1/320 ISO 125 CAnon G7X MkII in Fantasea housing, lit with Inon S2000 strobes (could be one, could be two, the date on the photo is wrong so I don't know if I'd replaced my broken strobe when I took it)

by Alexandra Caine
Yellow spotted burrfish, taken in Bannerfish Bay,Dahab, Egypt which is part of my house reef. Taken with a Canon G7X Mk II in a Fantasea housing with 2 x Inon s2000 strobes. F/4.5, 1/320, ISO 125
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