Easy entry, shore dive, commonly used for classes ow-tech, not very current intensive usually though there are exceptions to every rule... Most of the habitat is man-made on a sandy/gravelly bottom and is well within recreational limits. The closest shop is Evergreen Dive Service in S. Everett and is a full service facility. Stay well away from the WA State Ferry dock (300') but to the NE is an old fuel dock with a LOT of life under and around it... Every thing from nudibranch's to ratfish, rockfish, lingcod, the occasional seal and grey whale... Vis can be anywhere from 1' - 30' depending on the time of year, Fall commonly being the best and Summer the worst... Water temps stay commonly around 46-48 degrees so a drysuit is recommended but a good 7mm wetsuit will also do the trick
Facts about Mukilteo T-Dock
It is in United States- Mukilteo T-Dock is in the Pacific.
- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.