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Manta and Friends
By Rob Rogers
posted 15:06 CST Today (within the last hour)
Bubble coral shrimp_February 2025
 Canon EF100 1/200 f22 iso125
By Antonio Venturelli
posted 00:50 CST Today (15 hours ago)
Mediterranean Monk Seal   Monachus monachus
By Stefanos Michael
posted Yesterday
The beauty of underwater macro photography  using diopters is that you can get very close and focus on something specific like these soft coral petals that look like freshly bloomed daisies._February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f22 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Yesterday
Quarrel with neighbour. Divesite Webbers Joy
By Arthur Klaphake
posted (5 days ago)
Chromodoris annae_February 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f16 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Beqa Lagoon

Underwater Photo Location: Beqa Lagoon

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Depth 60 feet.
Facts about Beqa Lagoon
  • It is in Fiji
  • Beqa Lagoon is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Bill Lamp'l
Eel during a cleaning session.

by Marylin Batt
Blue Ribbon Eel

by Marylin Batt
Blue Ribbon EEl

by Marc Damant
Piloting the Shark We managed to see a lot of Sharks on our dives in Benga Lagoon (just off the main island of Fiji).

by Michael James Sealey
Shallow soft coral off the Island of Caqalai.

by Robin Nagy
Divers on the wreck of Fishing boat, Beqa Lagoon, Viti Levu, Fiji. The visibility was sensational allowing me to take a wide angle photo of the whole scene.

by Brian Pool
Awesome 5m Tiger. Beautiful animal that changed my perspective on life!

by Davide Lopresti
Fiji - Beqa Lagoon

by Bradley Kerslake
Curious white tip! Nikon D7100 Nauticam housing Tokina 10-17mm @10mm

by Chris Miskavitch
Blue Christmas tree worm ..... up close

by Chris Miskavitch
Shark Dive...Beqa Lagoon

by Chris Miskavitch
Bubble Coral w/ tiny shrimp....

by Chris Miskavitch
Tomato Clown fish being shy.

by Chris Miskavitch
This little guy peaking out of the coral

by Chris Miskavitch
Soft Coral and Tomato clown fish in Fiji

by Chris Miskavitch
Tiger shark coming in for a closer look.

by Chris Miskavitch
Tomato clown fish.

by Chris Miskavitch
Soft Coral with diver .....

by Chris Miskavitch
Ribbon Eel, coming out to say hello.

by Chris Miskavitch
Trying to figure out which way is up!

by Chris Miskavitch
In a blue mood.....

by Frankie Rivera
The Lady with a big smile!

by Frankie Rivera
Clown Fish allowed me to approach his house.

by Frankie Rivera
Safety Stops were mind blowing

by Frankie Rivera
Little guy in his house.

by Frankie Rivera
The Big Boss

by Frankie Rivera
The look of a Lemon Shark

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Longnose hawkfish Oxycirrhites typus, Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Whip Coral Goby, Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson

by Owen Palmer
"Leopard of the Reef" Leopard Blenny Beqa Lagoon, Fiji Panasonic LX100 w/ Nauticam Housing Light & Motion Sola 9600 Lights

by Owen Palmer
"Clowning Around" Fiji Anemonefish (aka Clownfish) Beqa Lagoon, Fiji Panasonic LX100

by Owen Palmer
I found this spectacular Leaf Scorpionfish chilling on some staghorn coral while diving around Beqa Lagoon, Fiji.
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