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Logger head turtle mating Cuba  gardens of the queen
By Noel Lopez
posted 23:14 CST Today (within the last hour)
Caribbean reef shark hunting.gardens of the queen  cuba
By Noel Lopez
posted 03:30 CST Today (20 hours ago)
Nurse shark  gardens of the queen  cuba
By Noel Lopez
posted Yesterday
NikonD850  Retra Pro  Aquatica housing
By Magali Marquez
posted Yesterday
Caribbean reef shark  gardens of the queen  cuba
By Noel Lopez
posted Yesterday
Goby  gardens of the queen  cuba
By Noel Lopez
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Palancar Cozumel

Underwater Photo Location: Palancar Cozumel

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Solo bello
Facts about Palancar Cozumel
  • It is in Mexico
  • Palancar Cozumel is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.

Photo facilities

by Francisco F Kyle
Solo bello

by Stephan Attwood
Lion Fish shot with Fujifilm Finepix F500EXR and an Intova ISS4000 flash

by Stephan Attwood
The Lone Cuda

by Stephan Attwood
The Lobster reunion.

by Ken Kiefer
Hawksbill Turtle twisting and turning through coral pillars in an Underwater Dreamworld / Cozumel Palancar Caves / Canon 5D w/ 15mm fisheye

by Alejandro Topete
Divers with Reef, Cozumel Mexico

by Alejandro Topete
Eagle Ray in the Reef, Cozumel México
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