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Nudibranchs Thecacera picta  in the process of copulate
By Oksana Maksymova
posted Yesterday
Goniobranchus quadricolor_January 2025
 CanonEF100 1/200 f11 iso200
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (3 days ago)
I took this photo of a loggerhead sea turtle freediving off the coast of Belize. Shot with a Sony 6700 in a nauticam housing.
By Jack Angele
posted (3 days ago)
Blackchin Guitarfish   Glaucostegus cemiculus  formerly Rhinobatos cemiculus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (4 days ago)
Moofushi Manta cleaning station
By Jeffrey Lim
posted (5 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao - Secret Bay

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao - Secret Bay

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
It was taken using G11 with a macro wetlens.
Facts about Anilao - Secret Bay
  • It is in Philippines
  • Anilao - Secret Bay is in the South China Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Duncan Lee
It was a seahorse. Took it at a muck dive in Anilao Secret bay.

by Suzan Meldonian
Bobtail squidling...

by Suzan Meldonian
weird shrimp- anyone know what this is called?

by Suzan Meldonian
Skeleton Shrimp with babies on it.

by Suzan Meldonian
Dragon in the sea of egg, Pteraeolidia ianthina

by Suzan Meldonian
Mom takes the kids out for an ice cream...

by Suzan Meldonian
Flambouyant !

by Suzan Meldonian
..check it to the right.. half time! swimming flamboyant cuttlefish

by Mona Dienhart

by Suzan Meldonian
Flamboyant Cuttlefish

by Mona Dienhart

by Tim Ho
Tiny Cuttlefish & mirror Canon S95 + handheld torch light + mirror. (No strobe, no flash, no photoshop, no lightroom).

by Marc Damant
Life on a Cucumber! It is amazing what you can find if you don't leave any rock un turned or cucumber as well.

by Marc Damant
Spiny Perfection. This seahorse was trying to hide behind the grass but didn't blend in well with the green colour!

by Marc Damant
Hold the next generation! A beautiful Mantis shrimp clutches her precious cargo!

by Paul Ng
size of 4mm. Never seen this Nudi before

by Taotao Yang

by Marylin Batt
Painted Frogfish, Anilao, Philippines

by Raffaele Livornese
Chromodoris elisabethina

by Rickard Zerpe
Squid swimming at night.

by Christophe Dufour
Colemani shrimp in a fire urchin

by Christophe Dufour
need a long time to have both of them in the right position

by Christophe Dufour
nudi on his way

by Christophe Dufour
red soft coral lost in the sea

by Raffaele Livornese
Boxer crab with pon pons and eggs

by Pietro Cremone
Sawblade shrimp

by Marcus Yee
Title: Natural Light When : Jan 2015 Where : Anilao Kit : Sony T-900, Sony Housing

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
"Inquisitive Pipe Fish"

by Taotao Yang

by Taotao Yang

by Taotao Yang
Nudibranchia with eggs

by Tanakit Suwanyangyaun
Grazing lamb Costasiella kuroshimae nudibranch on a tiny leaf Secret bay, Anilao, Philippines

by Wayne Jones
Yellow Goby's backlit bottle home. Canon 5Diii in Aquatica 2* S&S 250pro 100mmL with Aquatica +10 wet diopter

by Wayne Jones
"Porcelain Crab in Rose Garden" Stacked +10 and +5 wet diopters used in conjunction with snoot to create this photo.

by Sean Chinn
Cryptic Nudi looking pretty on a muck dive

by Ponnie J
Bumble bee's spot

by Tony Yang
Emperor Shrimp

by Marc Damant
A bright Jewel in the black! Normally a Camouflaged hunter the Ornate Ghost Pipefish is a Picasso painting of all angles and colors!

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp. - Skeleton shrimp

by Wayne Jones
Eubranchus mandapamensis With eggs

by Wayne Jones
Opistognathus alleni Using 100mmL with 12mm and 25mm ext.tubes and Nauticam SMC(no crop)

by George Low
Pearl Granular Crab

by Marc Damant
" A Bad Hair Day " we found this Hairy Frogfish at about 40 ft and it allowed me to set up four strobes 2 behind it to give length and detail to all it projections and two in front to let us see its tiger stripes and face!

by Jinggong Zhang

by Frankie Rivera
First time seeing these tiny bananas!

by Raffaele Livornese
chromodoris close up

by Ipah Uid

by Raffaele Livornese
green alga hairy shrimp

by Raffaele Livornese
porcelain crab with eggs and skeleton shrimp

by Hakan Basar
Flamboyant cuttlefish on air !!

by Marylin Batt
Harlequin Shrimp

by Patricia Sinclair
Anemonefish is her lightbulb anemone

by Patricia Sinclair
"Coy" - this little filefish was peeping out of his coral hideaway at me - trying to camouflage.

by Patricia Sinclair
Goby pair at their home (nursery on the other side)

by Patricia Sinclair
Crab surveying his domain

by Raffaele Livornese
Nudibranch with snooted strobe light

by Raffaele Livornese

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
Taken in Secret Bay, Anilao, Philippines

by Penn De Los Santos
Bad Hair Day

by Penn De Los Santos
Swimming Mimic Octopus

by Penn De Los Santos
Saw blade shrimp

by Penn De Los Santos
Something on my head?

by Penn De Los Santos
Bad hair day

by Ravinthran Dhamodaram
This is a long time coming as it was at 22m with current

by Roy Spraakman
This Hairy Frog fish image was taken with a Mini flash snoot.
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