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Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Mahe island

Underwater Photo Location: Mahe island

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Anyone thinking of scuba diving in the Seychelles then be aware that as a holiday destination it is paradise but for coral diving it is an unmitigated disaster. All the coral is dead due to a sea temperature rise caused by El Nino in the late nineties. I mean ALL the coral. Some regeneration is starting but in percentage terms we are talking single figures of regeneration. The fish populations are less effected and you can find pockets of massive fish populations in spots like; Anse Soleil - unfortunately no dive boats go here but you can drive there and snorkel, and also at Port Launay, which is part of the Marine Park.
They marine life is colorful and varied:- Hawksbill turtles, green turtles, parrot fish, puffer fish, nudibranchia, octopus, moray eel, snake eel, manta ray, grouper, snapper, bigeye, angelfish, butterfly fish, clownfish, trumpetfish, porcupinefish, scorpionfish, lionfish (poisonous) plus whale shark, white tip reef sharks and dolphins. The wrecks are interesting; twin barges and Ennerdale - whilst the granite rocks make an impressive underwater backdrop.
When going to the Seychelles I recommend that you take your own dive gear (BCD, Octopus, dive computer, torches) because the dive centres are working on long replacement cycles (two years or so!).
Be choosy about your dive centre. I visited the five in the Beau Vallon Bay area and some are very small outfits. I cast no aspersions on any of them. The one I selected was Island Ventures ( my decision being based on the maturity of the email responses to my pre-holiday enquiries.
Visibility in August varies between 4 to 15m depending on the sea state which is subject to the trade winds. Any white horses on the waves and assume visibility will be below 5m. Most dives are around 12 to 18m with a few going to 30m. Oh! there is a small decompression chamber at Victoria Hospital.
Facts about Mahe island
  • It is in Seychelles
  • Mahe island is in the Indian Ocean.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

by Hamid Rad
Reef squid & its reflection at the surface / Canon G9 with Ikelite housing & DS160 strobe

by Hamid Rad
Blackfin Barracudas - Canon G9 w/ Ikelite housing & DS160 strobe

by Joe Daniels
Coral Silhouette

by Joe Daniels
Something for Kate

by Joe Daniels
Vertical feeding (a very rare sight in the Seychelles)

by Joe Daniels
Spotty Shark

by Joe Daniels
Amazing encounter

by Joe Daniels

by Joe Daniels
Hawksbill turtle exhaling before breaking the surface - Canon 50d/10-22m - 1/160, f10.0

by Joe Daniels
White Tip Reef Sharks - Canon 50d 10-22mm/f5.0, 1/1250

by Joe Daniels
Porites Poritidae - Canon 50d, 10-22mm/ 1/20 - f11.0/ iso 100

by Joe Daniels
Hawksbill Turtle - 10-22mm, 1/200, f4.0, iso 100

by Joe Daniels
Kate - Canon 50d-10-22mm, 1/400, f9.0, 100iso

by Joe Daniels
Eagle Rays f7.1-1/125-iso 500

by Joe Daniels
Wondering Giant-10-22mm, f6.3, 1/125, iso 400

by Joe Daniels
Take Off 10-22mm, f9.0, 1/160, iso 200

by Joe Daniels
Seychelles Reefscape

by Clive Ferreira
New Eden Island Marina

by Clive Ferreira
Eden Island Marina Blues

by Clive Ferreira

by Raoul Caprez
The wall

by Raoul Caprez
Rest on the moon :-)

by Joe Daniels
This image was taken with a 10-17mm fish eye. The squid was so close, pretty much touching my dome!

by Joe Daniels
Gorgonian & Soft Coral

by Raoul Caprez
Small diagonal

by Raoul Caprez
Blue apparition

by Raoul Caprez
Curious ?

by Raoul Caprez
Small encounter

by Raoul Caprez
Characteristic pattern

by Raoul Caprez
Yellow cloud

by Raoul Caprez
Moray smile

by Jm Leuba
Nice colours

by Raoul Caprez
Ready to slide :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Small yellow face to face

by Raoul Caprez
Little swimmer (1cm)

by Marc Grau
Black and White in Red

by Raoul Caprez
Blue face to face

by Maarten Elzinga
Turtle and diver @ Seychelles

by Raoul Caprez
Swiss crab :-)

by Raoul Caprez

by Byron Dilkes
Cloaked in darkness, a curious hammerhead shark comes in for a look.

by Byron Dilkes
A diver looks on as a curious surgeon fish examines my camera.

by Cansu Çetik
Nudi eggs

by Cansu Çetik
Feather star
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