Latest Contest entries
Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Koh Haa

Underwater Photo Location: Koh Haa

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Near to Koh Lanta, a group of small islands with a nice variety of sites, amazing macro and the occasional big pelagic.
Facts about Koh Haa
  • It is in Thailand
  • Koh Haa is in the Andaman Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Karl Marchant
Oyster up close and personal

by Patrick Neumann
FULL FRAME Anemonefish taken whilest sunsetdive at Koh Ha Thailand with Canon 400D + 100 mm macro lens.

by Todd Karberg
Best liveaboard ever. The junk Phuket thailand!

by Pheng Chong
Thailand Andaman is known for its big stuff, but spend some time looking for the little ones as well...

by Karl Marchant
Ornate Friends. Two of a group of three Ornate Ghost Pipefish @ Koh Haa, near Koh Lanta.

by Adriano Trapani
Seaslugs SEX gathering... don't be shy, everyone is welcome!

by Adriano Trapani
juvenile orange spearer

by Adriano Trapani
Halgerda sp.

by Erika Antoniazzo
Glimpse through the surface at Koh Ha

by Victoria Mackenzie
Little Harlequin Shrimp hiding in a hole and protecting his dinner!

by Victoria Mackenzie
Peekaboo! Porcupine Puffer (cropped)

by Jorn Ari
Life around a jellyfish. Olympus E-420 With Ikelite Housing + 1 DS160 & 1 DS161 Strobe. Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG More Photos:

by Jorn Ari
Nice nudie. Olympus E-420 With Ikelite Housing + 1 DS160 & 1 DS161 Strobe. Sigma 105mm F2.8 EX DG More Photos:'

by Tim Ho
Natural light at Koh Ha

by Tim Ho
natural flash, no strobes, no photoshop on compact camera...

by Victoria Mackenzie
First (and hopefully not last!) Manta of the season!!

by Victoria Mackenzie
Lovely Manta, yay!

by Victoria Mackenzie
Hawksbill diving from surface

by Victoria Mackenzie
Sea Moth - I LOVE these!

by Miles Jackson
Twin Chromodoris

by Miles Jackson
Female Ornate Ghostpipefish ventilating her eggs

by Miles Jackson
Squid eyes the camera

by Miles Jackson

by Miles Jackson
Mosaic Jellyfish

by Miles Jackson
Alice's underwater wonderland...

by Miles Jackson

by Miles Jackson
This tiny baby Tigertail Seahorse was just delightful!

by Miles Jackson
A very shy juv. Clown Triggerfish is a tough fish to photograph!

by Miles Jackson
Yawn of a Clown

by Miles Jackson
Red Tailed Butterflyfish

by Miles Jackson
The beautiful and wonderfully magnificent Tapestry Shrimp

by Magnus Larsson
Finding Harlequin shrimps walking about in the open is not that common so I was really lucky to find a pair strolling along on the rocks.

by Magnus Larsson
Taken with Canon G10 and Sea&Sea YS-D1

by Magnus Larsson
Octopus posing for the camera

by Magnus Larsson
I saw this Hawksbill Turtle going up for air, so I patiently waited for it to come back down, and it swam straight for me only to stop and slash its stomach a meter above me.

by Tobias Reitmayr
Tiger cardinalfish with eggs, Koh Haa

by Tomas Woren
Photo taken deep insside cave No.1 at Ko Haa 5

by Tobias Reitmayr
Tiger cardinalfish with eggs, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Shy blenny, Koh Haa Nua

by Tobias Reitmayr
Sea whip shrimp, just at the entrance of the cathedral, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Fangtooth blenny, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Anemone hermit crab on night dive, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Skunk Anemonefish, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Entering the cathedral, Koh Haa

by Tobias Reitmayr
Anemone crab at Koh Haa

by Ponnie J
Soft Coral Field

by Tobias Reitmayr
Blue dragon, Koh Haa again

by Ponnie J
Blue's blue eyes

by Tobias Reitmayr
Double-ended pipefish, Koh Haa

by Magnus Larsson
Porcelain anemone crab, Neopetrolisthes maculatus, catching plankton in the current that passes its host anemone.

by Ponnie J
Diver and rope of soft corals

by Daniel Sasse
It shows a supermacro of a Skunk shrimp which is only about 2cm in length Sony Nex7 Nauticam Housing 2x inon z204 flash fired 30mm macro lens + Supermacro converter f1/3.5 Iso400 1/60 Manual whitebalance

by Daniel Sasse
Giant Moray with 2 Cleaner Shrimps and a cleaner wrasse. Sony NEX7 Nauticam Housing 30mm Macro Lens f/3.5 ISO-200 1/100sec. Strobe: 2xInon Z-240 fired

by Magnus Larsson
Lionfish on the hunt

by Magnus Larsson
Clownfish family in their anemone

by Alberto Pantaleoni
sand covered deadly stonefish

by Annabel Almagro
This is a jellyfish I found during a night dive.

by Efra Mendez
A couple of clownfish in their anemone and a school of barracudas in the background. Sony RX100 V, Nauticam Housing, Inon S2000 strobes.
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