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Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday
Olympus TG 6   WeeFine WFL 02 lens
By Fulvio Bertocchi
posted Yesterday

Underwater Photo Location: Padang Bai

Underwater Photo Location: Padang Bai

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Facts about Padang Bai
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Padang Bai is in the Bali Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 3-10 Metres 10-30 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Ahmet Yay

by Luke Gordon

by Luke Gordon
Wide angle macro, Lions Mane Jelly!

by Luke Gordon
Giant Frogfish having a yawn, using the tokina and teleconverter for a wide angle macro effect

by Luke Gordon
Padang bai, two frogfish! Little & large.....'You have to get through him first'

by Luke Gordon
F10, 1/250, ISO 100, 100mm Macro

by Luke Gordon
Coleman shrimp in Bali!

by Luke Gordon
Ambon Scorpionfish

by Luke Gordon
Xenocarcinus tuberculatus on his black coral host

by Hon Ping Kong
Aplysia parvula

by Alex Suh
Raining Fish

by Hon Ping
PARTNER, Periclimenes imperator & Hypselodoris tryoni. Olympus TG-3

by Hon Ping
Whip coral shrimp @ Padangbai, Bali. Olympus TG-3

by Yulianti Santoso
The Beauty

by Irwin Ang
G O O D . N I G H T Nudibranch (Phyllodesmium tuberculatum) Padangbai (Bali), Indonesia. July 2015

by Ponnie J
Food Feast

by Yeehoo Wai
Zebra Crab (Zebrida adamsii) Padangbai, Bali

by Laura Dinraths
Patterned filefish

by Laura Dinraths
Frogfish dance

by Laura Dinraths
Pink soft coral, Bali

by Stefan Follows
Only a Mother. Southern Ocean Sunfish - Mola ramsayi. Pandangbai Ferry Channel, Bali, Indonisia - EM5-Panasonic 60mm-iso200-f2.8-1/125

by Tommi Kokkola
Weedy scorpionfish aka Rhinopias at Badang Bai, Bali.

by Irwin Ang
J A N O L U S Nudibranch (Janolus sp.) Padangbai, Indonesia. July 2015

by Irwin Ang
E G G S ! ! Nudibranch laying eggs (Doto ussi/Dotidae) Tulamben, Indonesia. July 2015

by Irwin Ang
A H H Nemo with parasite(Ocellaris clownfish) Bali (Padangbai), Indonesia. July 2015

by Irwin Ang
P I N K - M A M A Skeleton shrimps with baby (Caprellidae) Padangbai, Indonesia.

by Irwin Ang
B O X F I S H Boxfish black female (Ostracion meleagris) Padangbai, Indonesia.

by Irwin Ang
 Yellow Rhinopias (Rhinopias frondosa) 
Padangbai, Indonesia.

by Shahhar Ar
Hairy Brawny... happy new year tho..!

by Stefan Follows
Inclined Nudibranch - Chromodoris Annae Padagbai, Bali, Indonesia

by Daniel Lamborn
Camel Shrimp/Dancing Shrimp/Hingebeak Prawn. Just a little closer and it will give you a manicure for free.

by Sofia Tenggrono
Pontonides ankeri

by Sofia Tenggrono
Bananas Janolus

by Sofia Tenggrono
Peek a boo Ecsenius namiyei

by Sofia Tenggrono
Glowing Doto ussi

by Sofia Tenggrono
Pineapple Halgerda willeyi in blue curacao

by Sofia Tenggrono
Sagaminopteron psychedelicum sea slug

by Sofia Tenggrono
Tiny Tinky Winky Mexichromis trilineata

by Sofia Tenggrono
Phyllidiopsis cardinalis

by Sofia Tenggrono
Ancylocaris brevicarpalis

by Sofia Tenggrono
Hippocampus bargibanti - send kisses

by Sofia Tenggrono
Palmadusta ziczac - Glowing Gold Cowrie

by Sofia Tenggrono
FLAME - Bornella anguilla

by Sofia Tenggrono
Helios - Phycocaris simulans

by Sofia Tenggrono
Hippocampus bargibanti - Looking Through the Window of the Soul

by Sofia Tenggrono
Goniodoridella sp.

by Stefan Follows
Skulker Nudibranch - Dendronotus regius Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Fanclub Black Saddled Toby - Canthigaster Valentini Bali, Indonisia

by Stefan Follows
Bring it ... ! Reef Stonefish - Synanceia verrucosa Bali, Indonisia

by Sofia Tenggrono
Feeling Blue - Doto sp.

by Sofia Tenggrono
Hippocampus bargibanti _ When I Close My Eyes, I See You - When I Open My Eyes I Miss You.

by Michal Štros
Circus performance

by Michal Štros
Chromodoris sp., nudibranchia

by Michal Štros
Ribbon Moray Eel

by Sofia Tenggrono
Rhinomuraena quaesita. I was inpired by Francisco Sedano's work and learn how to use the fractalius plugins on my ribbon eel photo, so I here the electric eel ...

by Sofia Tenggrono
Ladybug on blooming polyps

by Sofia Tenggrono
Grumpy Rhinopias

by Sofia Tenggrono
Mating Hypselodoris bullocki

by Sofia Tenggrono
My Name Is Red (Rhinopias eschmeyeri)

by Sofia Tenggrono
Cabangus regius
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