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Underwater Photo Location: "Faro" gunship

Underwater Photo Location: "Faro" gunship

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Wreck of the gunship "Faro" sunk in February 27th 1912 after colliding with a tugboat. The boiler is well preserved and houses large conger eels which often leave their dens to investigate nearby divers. Due to the nearby rivers, the bottom is covered with soft sediment which can easily affect visibility so a good buoyancy control is required. Besides all the animals living in the wreck, including the above mentioned conger eels, some forkbeards, numerous scorpionfish and octopuses, the sandy bottom also has interesting animals such as weevers, flatfish and headshield slugs. Macro subjects can also be found all around the wreck.
Facts about "Faro" gunship
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Marine Life

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Photo facilities

by Joao Pedro Tojal Loia Soares Silva
Periclimenes sagittifer on its host anemone. Shot using Canon EOS 350D with 100mm macro in Ikelite housing and twin Nikonos SB-105 strobes.
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