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Seahorse and his babies
By Min Seok Jeon
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Thorunna daniellae nudibranch_Nha Trang_March2024
 Canon100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Diver in a cave in france in sidemount config.
By Andy Kutsch
posted Thursday, July 25, 2024
Glossodoris cincta nudibranch_Nha Trang_Jan2024
 Canon100 1/200 f16 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (2 days ago)
Lionfish in the water column
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)
Caribbean Squid taking an interest in underwater photography
By William Goers Jr
posted (2 days ago)

Underwater Photo Location: Siquijor Island

Underwater Photo Location: Siquijor Island

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Hawkfishes, family Cirrhitidae, comprise some 27 species in 9 genera. Their overall distribution range is principally the Indo-Pacific, with two species in the tropical West and East Atlantic. All hawkfishes are marine; most are found in shallow water with some to a few hundred feet. The longnose hawk is found widely throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific, the Red Sea, eastern Africa, to southern Japan, Nouméa to the eastern Pacific, the lower third of the Sea of Cortez, and northern Columbia to the Galapagos. Never common in its range, at times one has to dive deep outer reef slopes and search about large gorgonians and black coral stands to find it. [Wikipedia]
Facts about Siquijor Island
  • It is in Philippines
  • Siquijor Island is in the Visayan Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-40 Metres 0-130 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

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Photo facilities

by Thomas Bannenberg
hawkfish NIKON D7000 in a Seacam "Prelude" uw housing, 105mm Macro (NIKKOR) Settings: f11, 1/60, ISO 100

by Jan Morton
Clown Fish in Siquijor, The Philippines. Taken on Oly E-M1 with 60mm Macro.

by Jan Morton
Squat Shrimp in a Bubble Coral Wonderland

by Jan Morton
Very rare Juvenile Diamond Filefish. Taken at super macro using Oly 60mm with Nauticam SMC. This little lovely is approx 4mm in length of body as I couldn't see its fins with naked eye or my inserts.

by Jan Morton
Actually a tough Super Macro Swimming shot! A very rare Juvenile Diamond Filefish (3.5-4mm) which with patience stopped and gave me this amazing full frame shot. Olympus E-M1 with 60mm +SMC Twin Inon Z240s.

by Jan Morton
Pygmy Sea Horse. Approx 8mm in length. Olympus OMD E-M1 with 60mm Macro + SMC +SMC Multiplier

by Jan Morton
Giant Frogfish off of Siquijor Island. Uncropped image. One of my bucket list checked off!

by Jan Morton
Laying the future in Siquijor. A nudibranch with eggs coming out as I shot.

by Jan Morton
Taking The Leap.

by Jan Morton
The Big Gun! Solar Powered Nudibranch...huge at over 15cm long and at least 8-10cm in height.

by Jan Morton
Overhead with a Snoot! The fried egg look.

by Jan Morton
Fibre Optic Snoot lit Bubble Shrimp. Full Frame. Olympus E-M1 with 60mm plus SMC plus SMC Magnifier

by Jan Morton
Clown Fish. 43mm Macro on Oly E-M1

by Jan Morton
Happy Face A type of Inachidae? Family of approx 7 living on this one fan in a cave at 32m depth. ID would be appreciated in discussion.

by Jan Morton
"King of the Castle" Giant Frogfish on Coral. Taken @19mm on a 12-50 for a wide angle close-up

by Jan Morton
Reading a Book Porcelain Crab with Snoot

by Jan Morton
Cleaning the teeth of Skeletor. Shrimp on teeth of Crocodile Snake Eel

by Jan Morton
Warty Frogfish Standing at the Ready

by Jan Morton
Riding the Whip Whip Coral Shrimp on a Whip Swing

by Jan Morton
Escape Cloak...This little guy used two arms to cover his head with sand and then slowly started walking away...Brilliant Camoflauge!

by Jan Morton

by Jan Morton
Solar Powered?

by Jan Morton
Leaf Scorpion Fish sitting proud.

by Jan Morton
Two shrimp inside a sponge. Sponge inside diameter at opening is approx. 3/4" tapering down. Image is side lit through the sponge. Olympus E-M1 with 60mm + Nauticam SMC

by Jan Morton
Super Macro Swimming! 2mm Juvenile Diamond File Fish (?) Oly E-M1 with 60mm +Nauticam SMC +SMC Multiplier

by Jan Morton
Pregnant Hairy Algae Shrimp - Full Frame with White Slate backdrop E-M1 with 60mm +SMC +SMC Multiplier

by Jan Morton
Headshield Bubble Shell Sea Slug - Micromelo undatus Siquijor Island, Philippines

by Jan Morton
Free Swimming Squid on Night Dive Siquijor Island, Philippines

by Jan Morton
Blue Ring Octopus on Night Dive - approximately 3/4" long Olympus E-M1 with 60mm Macro + Nauticam SMC

by Jan Morton
King of the Castle Single Juvenile Frogfish sitting on a small mound of sand. Fibre Optic Snoot Lighting

by Jan Morton
"Triple Play" - Three Juvenile Frogfish NOTE: The fish were not touched in anyway to accomplish this shot. The black and orange were in situ. The brown was 1/2" out of frame and was gently urged with a probe touching only the sand.

by Jan Morton
Snooted Hairy Squat Lobster in Siquijor.

by Jan Morton
Symbiosis of Creatures Notice the shrimps Antennae touch the Goby in order to receive warnings as the shrimp is almost blind. The shrimp maintains the house and stocks it with food for the nights and the Goby keeps the shrimp safe.

by Jan Morton
A Flower and its Amphipod Dweller

by Jan Morton
Emperor in the Spotlight

by Jan Morton
Juvenile Sweet Lips - approx 3/4" in length

by Jan Morton
4mm Hairy Algae Shrimp shot with white slate backdrop. Olympus OMD E-M1 with 60mm +SMC+SMC Multiplier

by Jan Morton
Dive boat off of Maite Reserve

by Jan Morton
Phyllodesmium koehleri on Siquijor Island off of Tulamben Sanctuary

by Jan Morton
Tiny Hitchhiker - Arthropod on it's back Siquijor Island Full Frame

by Jan Morton
Mating Nudi's

by Jan Morton
Anemone Fish above the house

by Jan Morton
A very small 2mm Juvenile Diamond Filefish. Olympus E-M1 with 60mm macro plus Nauticam CMC. Full Frame

by Jan Morton
Character of a Flamboyant Cuttlefish

by Jan Morton
Face of a Red Frogfish

by Jan Morton
A beautiful pair of Haig's Porcelain Crabs on a Sea Feather.

by Jan Morton
2cm Juvenile Flamboyant Cuttlefish with Shrimp for Lunch

by Jan Morton
Snoot Lit Hairy Squat Lobster in barrel sponge. Approx 18mm in length. Full Frame shot. Oly E-M1 with 60mm using Nauticam CMC diopter.

by Jan Morton
Chromodoris magnifica - Snoot Lit with Olympus E-M1 and 60mm Macro

by Jan Morton
Snoot lit Juvenile Yellow Frogfish

by Jan Morton
Durban Dancing Shrimp from a colony of hundreds.
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